To Prevent Hair Fall and Premature Hair Grey and achieving Hair re-growth
In many Cultures hair symbolizes Prosperity, Wealth and Vitality. In ancient times, the conqueror often resorted to removing the hair of the conquered, this was often done as an act of humiliation, to insult, degrade and torment so that no resistance nor rebellion can be realized by the conquered.
The Bible talks about the importance of Samson’s locks which symbolized Strength, Power and Superiority of the Hebrew. Samson was just unstoppable during his days. The Philistines dreaded at the very utterance of his name so much so that they paid an harlot named Delilah to enquire of his secret.
When Samson finally confided in her, his locks were shaved off reducing Samson to a harmless lamb, whose eyes were pulled off and insults lauded upon, the story ends with Samson’s final onslaught on the Philistines besieging for his forgiveness from God almighty for foolishly treating his pride possession.
Cultures across considered the hair as a pride possession, the Egyptian women spent hours in grooming and combing as well as applying the best of portions to make them more attractive to the Pharaoh.
Some cultures even treated the hair as an extension of their nervous system. A system that gave them new powers and abilities to sense danger and warn their tribe in advance.

Portrait of Empress Elisabeth of Austria (1837 – 1898) with her long hair, which was perfumed and treated with egg and cognac
Health is often measured and judged by the condition of your hair. Longer the hair, the stronger the person is. Most cultures associated Long hair to Youth, Vitality and Beauty. Short hair is often associated with mature demeanor.
To Prevent Hair Fall and Premature Greying and achieving Hair re-growth
The cause of the problem should first be analyzed and then after the cause is found, then comes the Cure part. But this does not happen in Modern Medicines. One great Physician, on one of his discourses, said, “Modern Medicines can provide you with a stop gap solution to temporarily reduce pain and not a permanent Cure.”
Another Great Physician attributed the growth of the Modern Medicines in these words, “People take enormous effort to avoid pain, but will never put in the necessary effort to prevent one.” This can simply be explained with an example, Smokers, for sure know that Smoking causes the issues with their lungs and as well as related mouth ailments, but still they smoke. Now when their lung and mouth issues start to hit them hard, they reach out for quick fixes to alleviate pain. In fact at the very first place all these could be avoided just by putting in the effort to prevent the occurrence of pain, But No!, this is just to show the how the same word “effort”, used in concept of thinking, can lead either lead to a life with Pain or a life without Pain.
Starting off on our mission to solve the Problem inside out for Hair fall, Research has found that the major reason to be lack of Sulfur in the body. Onions are rich in Sulfur, and Research shows that the Sulfur content in Onions, has the nourishing ability to boost collagen production which in turn will enhance and sustain Hair growth. Sulfur will also prevent the thinning of hair and thus preventing hair breakages and hair falls.
Sulphur is also the Mineral that is present in every cell present in the body and more so Sulphur is present in large amounts in the Hair and scalp area. Sulphur has the Unique ability to enhance Blood flow. With Improved blood circulation it would mean improved nutrition reaching to the scalp this in turn will stimulate more hair growth.
Research has found that of the foremost symptoms in Sulphur deficiency would be hair fall and Hair breaks. With the industrialization of the world, more people have begun to depend of fast foods and packaged foot items which are particular found to deprive and remove the human body of its natural Sulphur content.
Also, a Research study conducted in the UK, attributed Hair fall, Hair thinning to the accumulation of Hydrogen Peroxide in the hair follicles and scalp caused thinning and grey hair.
More so, it was found that a particular enzymes in Onions neutralizes Hydrogen Peroxide and reversed grey hair.
Since the Human Body does not make Sulphur, it ought to obtain it from external sources. But the problem is, 30 out of 31 people have no clue as to where and how to obtain Sulphur or worse still, they are not even aware of its deficiency in their bodies.
How to spot Sulphur deficiencies
- Premature Hair grey
- Rapid Hair fall
- Breakage of Hair
- Dandruff occurrences
- Dry skin
- Brittle and weak Nail
- Frequent Fatigues
- Occurrences of Migraines
- Weak and frequently sore muscles
- Sneezing and other Allergies
Home Remedies for Reversing Greys and preventing Hair fall and achieving Hair re-growth
Onion and Honey Wash and Rinse
How to Use
- Take good sized Organic Onion which has been prewashed under pure water free from Chlorine
- Chop the Onion into small bit size portions
- Place it in a blender and add warm water.
- Now, blend the contents until the portions are all mashed up to a fine solvent.
- Now use a muslin cloth and filter out the extract.
- You can place the contents in China and wait for 10 minutes and then add Organic Honey.
- Now, head to your shower room, sit on a small shower chair and then massage the Content into your hair. The Massage should be for at least 20 minutes, you can use a Comb to make sure the scalp gets all the nutrients deep in
- Keep it on for 30 minutes and wash your hair with warm or cold water depending on the weather.
- If you think the wait is too long, play an Audio E-Book and listen, time will fly.
Do not do the Following
Do not use Hot water to Rinse your Hair, after the Onion and Honey wash
Do not use Shampoo to Wash your Hair after the Onion and Honey wash
Do not use Medicated oils on your Hair after the Onion and Honey wash
Do not Hair Dry your Hair with heat.