Heights of Exploitation-This can only happen in India-Hemamalini abuse of power-India Election-2019
You wouldn’t believe if they had not shot it. Just look at the audacity that a contestant has in a democratic set up. In broad view, the contestant is campaigning from her Benz Mercedes car, unwilling to walk the walk and talk the talk, would you believe this?
Wonder if ever people will wake up? Keep them there, keep them poor, keep them illiterate, this has been the manifesto for Contestants like Hemamalini.
Replying to a question to a reporter, as to how much developmental efforts she had initiated, Hemamalini, responded by saying that she had spent around a million dollars on paving good roads for the public-Probably for her Mercedes to flow unobstructed-expressed a student.

The much important question to ask here would be, who is spending whose money? Every developmental projects that these so called MPs talk about, receive budgetary allocation from the Indian Tax payer’s contribution.
In fact, none of the MPs will even dig a cent from their personal funds. This is pathetic and yet still, though India has emerged from the Slavery of the British Raj, a careful look at the picture will reveal to you that the life style and the abundance that these MPs are living in, Bodyguards, Servants, Snobs, Escorts,etc.
Look at the back drop, you will see the poor and and deprived, standing and wondering if only their life would be merciful at least during this time.
This is in sharp contrast to the life of Andrew Carnegie, the Steel Tycoon, and the architect of the modern America. Who, out of determination and perseverance rose from a Steel worker to a Steel Baron.
During the life time of Andrew Carnegie, he had spent his first half of his life earning money, it has been reported that he had earned around, 400 Million dollars, and during the later part of his, he gave it all away for the cause of the poor.
Such a great humanitarian who had set standards for leaders to enumerate. Wish if some of these lessons could be learned by Hemamalini, at least during this time of her life.
Apparently, Hemamilini feels that it is the people who should be obligated to her for her volition to drive by.
This is the pathetic state that the country has to endure where actors and actresses call the shorts, and educated are pushed to take the back seat-expressed a school teacher.
A contrast to the West, where voters enjoy the choice of decision and the right to question the person whom they think should be held accountable.
On the other hand, with regard to India, even during elections, the voters are at the mercy of these political entities who think they are unshakable and more so unquestionable.
The most heartening thing would be to see these Contestants flaunting their power and their reach, taking rides in Audis and Mercedes, to visit their constituencies, what a sharp contrast to Mahatma Gandhi. the man who walked the streets of India, without even wearing footwear.
It was told, that haters of Gandhi used to spread glassware and sharp objects during his visits, but yet still, without a single show of dismay, hatred or even vendetta, Gandhi, walked with smile and a wave.
Gandhi, was called Mahatma, by Rabindranauth Tagore, the Noble laureate, Mahatma means, “Great Soul”, truly, Gandhi, was a great soul, in fact, he put the cause of the poor and the underprivileged above everything else.
It is has to be noted that Gandhi, single handedly stirred India’s Independence from the British rule. Gandhi adopted a principle of Non-Violence and his famous quotes were, “an Eye for an Eye, will leave the whole world blind”, and “love your neighbor as yourself”.
If it also imperative to mention here that, Gandhi was influenced by the New Testament.