Dangers of Masturbation-Women perspective
Yes, you all have heard it that Masturbation is good and that there are no side effects involved in its indulgence. Hey! but wait, the Media, the Modern Medical fraternity and those website physicians, who are all pushing the act of Masturbation as something so sacred as an act that every women should indulge in, did not actually tell you the whole and the complete truth that Ancients revealed about Masturbation which are in fact, now being validated by the Science of Psychology and the Science of Natural Health.
Before we go any further, the facts and the treatment of this topic is catered to Matured Audience, so if you are below 18, we shall advice you to turn off viewing.
Coming back,
Do you know there are 5 Powerful energies known to man, and of the five, we shall give you 2 of them. They are Love and Sex. Love and Sex are two powerful energies which when transmuted in the right way can help you achieve the following of higher order, and they are, uninterrupted Creativity, steeper Innovation, unexpected Discoveries, greater Success, world Fame, limitless Riches and more so Freedom from back breaking labor.
You may listen if you will, but remember, the truth will always lie 2 steps away from the lie that is so commonly prevalent. The lie that Masturbation is normal and that, it is actually good for the body.
Sex Transmutation
Sex Transmutation occurs when Man and Woman, unite. This often releases energies of mass amplitude that are so power that they are considered to be equivalent to the output generated by a V8 engine.
We are no great Theologians but we know that, God created Adam and Eve. And of the many energies, Sex is the single most energy that can stimulate the Neuro centers of the Brain, offer motivation and hope, dawn upon revolutionary changes in man and woman.
Sex as abstract and taboo can it be, is even more mysterious to understand leave alone its study. Sex is the single dominant energy that keeps the Planet alive, that gives Man and Woman, the fire and essence to procreate. To be fruitful and multiply.
In the wild, the Alpha males will eradicate all oppositions to mate. They pick out the most productive, most healthy and the most vitality filled females to procreate. These animal instincts is still prevalent among the Alpha males of the human type. They search, study and inquiry for potent female partners who are bursting energy and vitality.
Masturbation sucks the Vitality out
One philosopher defined Masturbation as bitching your body with your mind.
It is imperative to understand, that Sex is beneficial to the Mind, Body and Spirit. But, Masturbation is not Sex.
A questionnaire comprising of 20 questions were circulated to 10,000, men and women, in the age group of 18-23.
There were two questions in particular we would focus here. One of the questions wanted the respondent to select a choice, the choices were,
1. “having sex with your Crush” or “winning a Gold in the Olympics”. 98%, responded by opting for the first choice, which is, “having sex with your Crush”.“
The second question is,
2. You have a choice to make, “you can either elope with your heart’s crush or ” accept a box of gold jewels and lead a life with the person who is selected by your parents”. 95%, selected the first choice for the second question.
So powerful is sex that if the energies associated were to be transmuted in the right way, then there is no saying to the levels that an individual can achieve.
The fact that this truth was acknowledged by late Sir Thomas A Edison, the Man who brightened America is a living proof as to what sex transmutation is actually capable of doing.
Masturbation can Never improve one’s Sex live
You might spend hours together visualizing that you are wining the UFC title match against, Kabib, but when you actually get into the Octagon, it is another issue altogether. When reality hits you, its time to put the visualization down and get in the actual training.
Touch of Man is different
There is a world of difference when a Man touches a woman and when a Woman touches herself. These two touches though may fall under the category of touch, yet still can never be categorized as same.
Why? The answer does not require Rocket Science understanding. Just look at the palm of a Man and the palm of a Woman, the man’s palm is conditioned with hard work and strength training and the hormone of Testosterone is found in abundance in him.
This hormone, single handed, would have resulted in wider chest, stronger and well pronounced Torso, huge neck and shoulder muscles, difference in tonal strength, just to add some of the manhood features.
But, none of these can be seen in a Woman, in contrast, her palms are soft, her skin is gentle, her chest houses her breasts which would require more gentle treatment, she undergoes ovulation and mensuration cycles which can be harmed if she involves in hard circuit training like the types of HIITs and Crossfits.In short, the distinction are well pronounced between Man and Woman and just as with their touches.
When Woman touches herself
Now, when a woman/girl involves in masturbation, the general tendency of the person would be to massage her clitoris. In most cases, the masturbation may not involve finger penetration but surface layer stimulation.
The brain gets into working and sends in neural signals, the dopamine centers are activated, followed by release of high intensity pleasures that often plateaus after some time interval while for others Orgasm may result.
All of these pleasure causing stimulation are induced by the individual with tools involving Imagination. The trigger can sometimes involve a porn movie playing on the TV or even a simple touch on the individual’s underwear. Most of the time women who masturbate often find the triggers when in hot bath tops, mild shower gels being rubbed over, or when lying face down on bed.
Science of Habituation and Addiction
There are reports where women/girls have confessed to this indulgence anywhere from 3 to 16 times a day. Now when this is repeated day after day, month after month, year after year, then a dangerous phenomenon sets in, called, Habituation.
According to the Science of Habituation, if you involve in any risky and detrimental act or work for considerable amount of time, irrespective of the effects such acts deliver to the individual, because of repeated occurrences, the act or action becomes a second nature to the person. In other words, the extended self.
In short, Addiction sets in.
Loss of intimacy-effects of Masturbation
Sex, should be a two way road. In other words, to enjoy the benefits of sex, the act of stimulation and reflexive senses play a vital role.
A scientific study carried out among women who engaged in frequent Masturbation, revealed that 90% of these women felt no joy during sex with their partners. 80%, said, they faked the emotions associated just to satisfy their partner’s concerns, 77%, said, that they unwillingly obliged to the sexual desires of their partners.
In other words, Sex, which is supposed to be bringing in tons of benefits to both the sexes, is being reduced to a mere ritual.
Body-Mind abuse-early age-how Masturbation starts
Studies have shown that the abuse of body and mind starts during adolescent periods. But there are cases where it starts as early as 9 years. The usual procedure would be rubbing against certain objects such as pillows and Teddy bears, and at times even pointed objects like pens and pencils may be used.
Having Orgasm along with Masturbation may occur sometimes around the age of 13, according to a survey conducted to find the Effects of Masturbation on Mental health.
10,000 times-feelings null and void
Just to have a mathematical outlook on Masturbation, let us take a case where a woman had started this indulgence sometime around the age of 13.
The act would be to stimulate the Clitoris. The general way adopted by most would be to move in a circular fashion on the underwear.
Usually in 10 minutes or so, the intensity builds up, that is when the underwear is removed, with stimulation directed exactly on the Clitoris until orgasm occurs.
The session would last at least 15 minutes. And most women have been reported to have indulged in not less than 3 times a day.
Doing the Math, clearly, for year it would be, 1095 times spent on Masturbation, and over a period of 10 years, it would be 10,950 times spent on Masturbation.
Sensitivity is lost-When a Male touches
Now imagine the impact the Clitoris would have suffered. Just for enlightenment, the Clitoris is considered the most delicate and complex of the feminine anatomy, and to take in that kind of abuse, is no easy joke to digest.
It is imperative to understand here that periodic trauma given to any muscle will result in one of the two conditions.
If trauma applied is constructive, then it will result in the hardening of the muscle part that is under impact, and on the contrary, if the trauma applied is destructive, it will weaken the muscle under consideration.
But as far the Clitoris is concerned, be it constructive or destructive, it will result unilaterally in one outcome, that would be the Clitoris losing its sensitivity to a Male’s touch.
Consequences to Masturbation
Sex with Male partner is not fireworks anymore. Survey conducted among women who had a long history Masturbation had reported that they find having sex with their male partners to be a mere compulsion affair. One main reason that they reported was that they are used so much to a particular way of touching their genital area that they find their male partner’s touch to be either pain inflicting or just not pleasurable.
Masturbation leads to rupturing the Hymen, this would mean, when a women has sex for the very first time, there is no way in validating her virginity if the Hymen is ruptured. Virginity is still treasured in many Cultures and it is reserved until the day of the Wedding. More so, in many Cultures, such proof of Hymen breaks is recorded and the blood spilled is collected and stored. Women who succeed in such validation are often treasured and retained in Honor.
Women who constantly masturbate, even though they may be Virgins will have their genitals appear like those of a sexually experienced female.
Frequent Masturbation can lead to gaps in Periods, though Medically this issue is conflicting, yet most of the women who face gaps in their Periods have often reported to be indulging in frequent Masturbation.
Frequent Masturbation can lead to Hair loss. Though Medically this can be challenged, yet still most of the women who complained sporadic hair falls often have confessed to daily Masturbation.
Frequent External Masturbation will often lead to masturbating internally with Objects. Statistically there is a significant correlation between External Masturbation and Internal Masturbation. Internal Masturbation often leads to widening of the Vaginal walls as well as internal tissue ruptures.
Internal Masturbation will lead to broaden Virginal opening. This can be a throw off given that Men have preferential attachment to Virginal openings. One major reason is that the circumference of the Penis head is approximately 4 inches when fully gorged with blood, and most men will get turned off at the first penetration if the Vagina is too big.

The average vagina is three inches long and four-fifths of an inch in diameter when not aroused. But for Masturbating women, depending on the number of years of indulgence, the depth and the width will not have a defined measure. In late night ER visits, the most popular vegetable being inserted happens to be the Eggplant/Brinjal.
Frequent Masturbation erodes the Hymen, this would mean, every time after an indulgence, heavy bleeding will occur. This can be quite dangerous depending on the intensity to which the Hymen has eroded.
Frequent Masturbation leads to Female Sexual Dysfunction
There is a strong Statistical significance between Women who constantly masturbated and promiscuity. There is also a strong Correlation between Promiscuity and Sexually transmitted diseases among women.
Frequent Masturbation results in loose Vagina
Women who Frequently indulge in Masturbation will often have problems of urine leakage during Intercourse.
Set Standards and Stay Hungry
Do you know why a Soldier is given rationed foods? In other words, why Soldiers carry less food? If a Soldier ought to stay alive, he would have to have in his possession, Weapons, Arms and Shields, to fight, protect and defend.
That being said, if a Soldier prioritizes his stomach, then he wouldn’t live to see another day. His back pack would only have Rations and foods, leaving no space to store and carry other equipment needed to stay alive.
It is said, that a Soldier marches on his Stomach. The hungrier he is , the fiercer he fights. A well fed army will sleep on its tummy, while a ill fed army will sleep with its eyes open.
So what does all these mean with regard to Masturbation. The answer is right there. Stay hungry. When you are hungry you will seek to develop yourself.
Exercise Self control. With Self control comes Logical thinking, with Logical thinking comes Intelligent Choices, and Choices makes life good or worse. After all, we are merely product of our choices. The better you become, the better opportunities you will have.
Whether you believe it or not, we are heading into a world that is going to be merciless when it comes to the workplace. Employers want the best, and that is how it is going to be.
In other words, Jobs will be hardier to come by and with less Jobs and more takers, it is going to be an uphill battle for all.
Most are not even aware of the future and the challenges it is going to pose. It is reported that an average working employee has enough sustenance only to help himself/herself last for 30 days, once he or she loses his/her job. After these 30 days, it turns ugly.
What should be done?
Conserve your Sexual Energy, do not abuse yourself. It has been reported, most of the women after masturbating, felt gross. Most have complained lack of sexual interest, due to masturbation. Most have even reported a feeling of guilt.
To achieve great things in life, the foremost requirement is to have a high degree of self worth. We know, we know, all the websites, the media and the Health care professionals, always tell you, it is okay and alright to feel yourself and enjoy Masturbation. But they never tell you the side effects it has on your Body, Mind and Soul.
So, the best advice is, Stay focused, Stay hungry, Stay ambitious. Set a goal for your life and develop yourself. Work on your development, Aim for the Stars and you are sure to reach the Skies.
You may ask, why I can’t reach the Stars, well, we know one thing, Standards ought to be set way beyond the expected Goals.
Today is the day, decide what you want in life? Do you want to escape from the clutches of 9 -5 job, then work on yourself . Do you want Economic Independence, then work on yourself.
All these goals are achievable only through Self-Sacrifice, Dedication, and Perseverance. Remember the famous saying, “you cannot blow and suck”.
This is life and that is the way things are designed in this world, you may not like it, you may have other plans, but that would never work on this planet.
“What you Sow, you shall Reap”. This is the old proverbial saying and it has stood the test of time. So you are the captain of your ship and the architect of your life.
Take control of your life, don’t find amusement in indulgences such as Masturbation. It robs your future and all the pleasures of Sexual life that Man and Woman, who are united by Matrimony could have and much more.
We know this is not normal, of course this is not normal, becoming successful is also not Normal. It is reported that just 5% of the world have all the happiness expected from life. So to get to that 5%, you need to be Unique, you need to set High standards to life and feel high worth of yourself.
Undoubtedly Masturbation destroys the person, psychologically as well as physiologically. However, the advent of modern philosophy which glorifies masturbation often does this solely at the latent motives which are not geared to the betterment of Women’s health.
The most beautiful part of a human life is Sex. It is imperative that every Man and Woman enjoy it to the fullest. The best way it could be done would be to adopt a life of Discipline. According to Andrew Carnegie, the single most guiding principle to any growth is Discipline and without which no man or woman can achieve true freedom.
Suggested Reading
Penile Vagina Intercourse Orgasms and why Women treasure them with their life.