Singapore sets precedence again, this time treating Smokers as Animals-hey wait-it is worse than Animals
Oh yeah!, so, Smokers are the reason for Air pollution? under the name of ensuring clean air, Smokers are victimized by Singaporean Authorities, treating Smokers as Animals,- no! wait!, worse than Animals, exclaimed Sim-locals.
The much important question to ask would be how would you justify treatments like this? This is Human Rights abuse and discrimination, done to the extremes that words cannot be used, either to Narrate or to describe. Yet still, Singaporean claims it to be a land of the brave and a place for the free. But to the world out there, it is just a mirage and claim that they use to satiate their deep desires of desperation.
Just look at the picture, a Pathetic treatment of its own people, innocents being Mocked, Ridiculed, and Humiliated. Heights to which humans can be degraded all under the tag that they are trying to ensure Clean air.
Well, if Clean Air is the concern, Ban the use of Air Conditioners, which are emitting CFCs, so much so that CFCs, can be found so abundant that unilaterally cause more Cancers.
If Clean Air is your concern, Ban the haze and the fumes that are coming from Indonesia, which carry with them, tons of Pesticide residuals and deposit over your roof tops.
If Clean Air is your concern, Ban the Fumigating vehicles.
If Clean Air is your concern, Ban the countless Eat-Outs and the Fast food joints, that are using so much Electricity, polluting both and water. It is also imperative to understand that during the process of producing Electricity, tons of Natural resources are abused and polluted.
If the same yard stick ought that were used against the innocent smokers be applied to all, then Regulate the use of Electricity and Ration Water.
Water is precious and priceless, but abuse this natural resource, you are driving the world to a pandemonium of woes.
And, not to mention the tons of Food being wasted by the Singapore Public-in fact, a social Activist made a Documentary that portrays the behavior of Singaporeans towards food.
If all these are not sufficient, Ban the use of Cosmetics. There is a huge correlation between Cosmetics manufacture and Carcinogens, plus, most of the waste by products that the Cosmetics industry produce cannot be recycled.
Final Thought
Instead of treating Smokers as Animals or even worse than Animals for that matter, Ban the sale of Cigarettes. But the wouldn’t happen. You know why? Cigarettes and the Tobacco industry is the most lucrative industry that policy makers thrive and live off and they wouldn’t want to Kill the Golden Goose. Instead, under the name of promoting green Environment, they target the Smoking Community. This is Discrimination beyond humanly expressible.