West Europe-Its ordeals and Challenges
We welcome Immigrants with open Arms. Well, these placards are most prominently shown by the Mainstream media.
But the words should be, “I welcome Immigrants with open Arms, to live in my House, I will cook, clean and do the dishes, I shall serve them and their family with the best fat of the lamb and clothe them with linen as beautiful as Bathsheba wore, with Onyx and Jade, to adorn their bodies, with Myrrh and Frankincense, to brighten their aura,…” Oh! Yes?
The most appropriate solution to this as exclaimed by a 70 year old local was that, let all those who say, we love immigrants, we adore them, we treasure them, and those who open their mouths so wide as to place their foot in their mouth and wallow, be assigned a family of immigrant, to clothe, feed and school, all through their lifetime. Let us then see, what these loud mouths toads do? when it really boils down to staying in the pot as the heat increases.
It is written that by the sweat of thy Brows though shalt earn thy living, if every person is suffering to make ends meet what is the Rationale behind opening the doors of your country and letting in people who merely think that they life is a vacation-asked a retired economics professor from Germany.
I am not here to work for others; I built my house by continuously working every single day of my youth amounting to 30 years. Now they want me to pay for immigrants. Who is to pay for whom? Can any clear thinking person provide a rationale for such a thoughts-expressed an old butcher in Germany.
For the want of a Cent, I was treated as an Animal

The other day, I bought some meat and a bottle of milk from a nearby supermarket. Guess what, I was short by 1 cent to pay the teller request. You know what? The teller did not issue the goods, and her argument was, unless the amount is paid in full, the bill would not be released and that would mean the goods sold cannot be taken out and though she was willing to help, yet she was helpless.
Since the Supermarket never allowed her to have any money on her during her working time, since the Norms of the Supermarket was that, all Tellers would be screened thoroughly before they leave the Supermarket, even a cent by accident on her would put her in prison. Can you believe this?
For a cent, I ought leave those goods there and head out in shame, at 80 years of age. And No one even bothered to help me. Now I hear this huge talk on Immigration and how we should adopt a good Samaritan approach. Let me ask them, where did all the Good Samaritans go when all I needed was a cent.

Growing up I read Victor Hugo’s Les Miserables, how a young man out of hunger steals a mere loaf of bread and later ends up in the Gallows. As a little girl, I used to ask my mother, would it ever be possible that somebody can send a man to the Gallows all for a morsel of bread?
My mother smilingly would say, oh yes! Sweetie. People are heartless and specially when it comes to dealing with their own people. See! Jesus, was crucified by his own people, the Jews.
I can today vouch to what my mother once said, my own people who are supposed to save and protect the interest of their people, have sold us out.
Today, I could not even walk the streets. On one instance, a tall Arab young man comes up to me, shows a picture of his naked genitals and asks me, if I would want to suck it?
This is me in my mid fifties, fit enough to be his mother, and here I am harassed, humiliated and abused for no fault of mine. The only fault being, I live here in Europe.
I felt violated, helpless and when all the women Rights organizations blow their horn airing their stand on liberal women rights, here I am, fearful even to walk down the road peacefully. Where are they now? I am being treated worse than an animal and yet there are no Women’s rights organization, even talking about the pathetic states that women ought to suffer at the hands of Immigrants.
The Irony
The irony is, If only an immigrant faced the same predicament as I did, Yahoo new agency, would feature it as the headline news with CNN and BBC, following suits, remarking as to how heartless people are. Funny how these people think- 55 year old public service employee-Nederlands.

Acid attacks-London
Under that name of Modesty, My daughter was hit with bulbs filled with acid.
It was as the usual Friday night, she was returning home with her boyfriend. On the way, they were stopped by a group of Bangladeshi men, who started fondling my child and slapping her thighs sporadically, asking why she was wearing a skirt that exposed her thighs.
My daughter’s boyfriend intervened by saying that they do not want any trouble and would prefer to be left alone. To this, one of the men from the group responded that they are here to mind the business of others and they think and feel that his girlfriend’s dress is invitingly breaching the sanity of men around more so defiling the holiness of the call for prayer.
Saying this, he pushed my daughter’s boyfriend on to the pathway, and suddenly from nowhere, the bearded man slammed a bulb on my daughter’s legs and fled. The acid attack was so gruesome that she lost the ability to walk. Her boyfriend hit his head on the concrete and lost his speech.
This is the state of London, and we are supposed to pay our taxes for the Immigrants and offer them a smile on our way back home, if we don’t we are called evil and grouped as the inhuman race.
Where did humanity go? when my 16 year child lost her leg, and the young man, his ability to speak-exclaimed a London resident mother-who says-London is a war zone.

Don’t Bend over
An old popular colonel saying, “Never bend over, when you do that, the man behind you will ride you on like his donkey.” This is the pathetic state of the people in countries of the first world.
Failure to take care of their precious crop, thinking that it is not their responsibility to do so, had now lead to the locusts devouring them.
It is the universal common sense that for any Economy to develop, the Labor of effort, dedication and commitment ought to go in as Raw materials.
When the Economy of a Nation does not grow, with more mouths to feed, the law of Market economy calls them as Consumption without Production.
This will lead to bankruptcy. If you have 10,000 Euros in the bank, and instead of using the money to invest and produce goods and generate profit, if you were to simply sit and use these 10,000 Euros, to feed mouths that ideally sit and consume with having no Skill sets to offer towards growth other than to preach Modesty, female genital mutilation and female enslavement, then let us allow imagination to do the talking as to what would and could the end result be?

Growth is imperative
An Economy that does not Grow will result in Decay setting in. If you don’t move, you fatten and merely good for slaughter-the Ancient science of Obesity.
One doesn’t need Rocket science to understand the laws of the Market place. The Market supports Commerce, and Commerce to flourish requires the intelligent minds of the educated and the erudite. So, make up your decision.
There is nothing wrong in Immigration. Great countries were built on immigration. But the underlying fact is, what skill sets are these people bringing in, for these would determine the future of the country in the long run, whether they like it or not.
The most prominent activist once said, “Remember, the land that you are living in now was lent to you by the future generation. So you don’t have the right to sell it out to meet your vices”