Toxic ingredients in Toothpaste is causing your Erectile Dysfunction

The Starting Scene

It was a good dinner. The food was great, and so too the wine. You head home, walking hand in hand. You drop her home but she calls you in to have a cup of hot chocolate and then head back to your home.

You know you are late and that your mom will be waiting. You see your watch, it reads, 10 pm. You didn’t want to turn down the invitation, for Rose reciprocated your invite for a dine out. You step out, following her lead.

The Love Scene

She shows the couch, you drop down dead, the leather was all inviting. As you rest, you turn the TV on, boom, comes a hot Netflix movie, a scene from, “In the Cold of the Night”, the scene was the Shower scene, where the two start to drench themselves up, and the kissing starts to roll in, with the hero’s hand gliding down her skirt, sneaking in through and pulling down her panties gently, while she unbuttons his trousers,…..You get the heat flowing and you are all pumped up, now.

She hints you now

Suddenly you hear a gentle cough. It was meant to wake you up. Meaning, Wake your fraternities up and stay ready to fire your cylinders. Rose comes closer to you, the mocha is on the table, steaming hot.

The steam was supposed to convey something to you. Hopefully, you got the message. You draw close to Rose, the eyes meet, the hands meet, the hugs follow, and then the kissing starts, the sparks of the “Cold scene”, has sparked the wild fire in both.

The Couch provides the perfect setting, but you fall too many times

Both are on the couch,  the foreplay is done, now the time for climax, thinking you will able to enter the door, you take a knock, but just at the second knock, you faint and fall at the entrance.

You then gather yourself up, telling yourself, as if nothing as happened, but this time, it just wouldn’t rise up. You are in a spot.

Rose is waiting, she doesn’t know what to say, but being experienced this before, she gently rolls over and says, oh! I forgot to turn the Air Condition on.

Boy! What did you do? One minute, you had it all, the next minute, you lost it all. This could have been a score on your card, but you now have a “F”, across.

You take the loser’s walk back

You walk across the road, to your car, blaming and cussing yourself at your incompetence. Next day, you call your friend up, he tells you that your incompetence is all that too common when you hit 30.

So the remedy is take the Blue Pill. He tells you, when you are about to enter, just bite the pill and munch it up with a diet soda. It would all be fireworks and sunshine.

The Blue pill kills you out

You buy his advice only to realize that the experience was  nothing close to what was told. You had an erection, but the sex was not passionate.

The libido rise was just not there. Of course, the sex was lasting a hour, but the lady couldn’t take it anymore. She wanted you to stop, but stop? How to Stop?

The Bigger question

The bigger question is, how to stop? When you are not in control of your erection. Now the pain is just getting too much to bear.

You walk into the shower, take a cold shower, thinking that it would drop down, but No! It wouldn’t. You head to the fridge, and grab a lemonade, not to drink, but to pour it over your Willy.

But Willy won’t listen. Lemonade didn’t not work. The pain now is getting too much. The girl on the bed dresses up, says that she has to leave and would want you to pay for the Taxi and for dinner tonight and lunch money for the next two days.

The Pain is too much

Your pain is excruciating. You don’t want to be embarrassed so you act as thought all is fine, while smiling and handing in the green bills, while brazing your erect and taut penis against your body, with a bath towel to hide and hold, it is a walk through hell.

She smiles, and while leaving, says, next time watch your dose, Mister, those can really keep you stiff all night that you will never be able to use it again.

Wake up!

The reality of ED-aka-Erectile Dysfunction

ED has become the most common Phenomenon for men. The pathetic part of this issue is that it was once considered a situation that targets men in their 60s but that situation has now propositioned.

The Target group now starts from mid-20s. 25, which was once considered the most fertile age for men, but now, due to poor health practices ED is rampant and is ever on the rise.

Hearsay remedies

Most men treat ED by the hearsay stories they receive from their ill-informed friend circles. And one of them would be the use of the Blue pill which is available over the counter.

The damage from the use of Sexual enhancement pills and ER visits

Sexual enhancement pills sends thousands of men to the ER every night. Often making their lives more miserable than it was before they started using them.

What this post is about

Well this post in not about ED pills, but about the causes for high incidence of ED among men.

Making informed Health choices will prevent ED. But the key is to know what to Avoid.

The Toothpaste danger-get your Anaconda up

In this post we shall discuss as to how the once considered harmless Toothpastes has Toxic ingredients that is responsible for inducing Erectile Dysfunction among men.

The irony is, most men are not aware of that, and think that the best way for them to get laid is having a Teeth that is as white as the ceramic tiles that is floored on continental  swimming pools.

 Whiter! Brighter! Fresher Breath!, nothing matters. Wake up! your teeth will not get your laid, it is your Willy who will get you laid. So train your Anaconda to rise up and dance.

Toothpaste’s Ingredients Don’t Really Matter If you are Not Swallowing It? A Lie.

The first lie, from the manufacturers to the consumers. In this post, we shall not talk about, as how to avoid Toxins in your Toothpaste or even for that matter about the ingredients to ditch. But we shall highlight the dangers of these Ingredients that are present in a Toothpaste and how they cause ED.

Dental Health is the Paramount of all Health, and a Toothpaste will ensure that.- A Lie

You too have believed that lie, that a Toothpaste will give you good Oral health. Keep dreaming!

You should know that the Dental Health industry wanted to control the General Health care either by hook or crook. And this they were able to achieve by floating a lie that your mouth should be the highest priority and without proper maintenance, you Mouth will contribute to heart disease, diabetes, osteoporosis, and other conditions.

The Brushing lie, before meals, After meals, before bed, and after sleep- all the time brushing, brushing and more brushing

The Dental Industry has floated a lie that your mouth should always be brushed before and after food, thus killing you in every way. Why? Just for the simple reason that every time you brush, you have the residual remains from the Chemicals that abound in a Toothpaste.

And when you consume your food, along with your food, these Chemicals enter your stomach, killing your stomach linings, and then float into your blood, hitting every tissue and cell in your body, making you invalid and dependent on Medications for the rest of your lives.

A serious Child abuse perpetrated by the Dental care industry

A Child starts brushing from around the age of 3. Brush your teeth child, the mother says, and child, jumps up, and takes the brush, with the peppermint flavored Toothpaste and off it goes to work.

Little did the mother know that she is indirectly causing the damage of all the organs in the child.

If you were that child then, what would be the consequences now?

So if you were to be that child, and now you are in your 20s, clearly you would get the picture of those accumulated chemicals in your body by now.

Have you every wondered, why would it be so difficult even to retain the foam caused by these Toothpastes inside your mouth for a couple minutes?

Because, they are Acids and Enamel corroding agents. The body just couldn’t take it. And this you have been ingesting for the past 20, or 30 or 40 or 50 years of your life.

Then you start to wonder why your Willy wouldn’t be working. You have killed poor Willy mann and all your joy of achieving your life’s purpose.

Get it straight now and Understand this simple Common sense

Get it straight now, your Dental health is not the paramount of all health, it is the health of your penis that is the paramount of all health.

Yes, we have heard it all, the Main stream media will call you a pervert, and a wretched, for they want you to be sterile and wipe their stools clean so that they can continue to spew their putrid mess onto the gullible innocents. Wake up!

We are not joking. We are telling you the absolute truth.

The Common Sense

We all know that Common sense is not all that common, but to understand this, you don’t need Rocket Science understanding.

If your penis is healthy, then it would mean, your Heart is healthy, which in turn would mean there is good blood flow circulation, this would directly mean that you have peak performance at your finger tips, all merely originating from your penis’s tip.

The Chemicals in a Toothpaste

Know the truth and the truth shall set your free.

Titanium Dioxide

This chemical is added in Toothpaste to make it appear White. Why would they do that?

A research conducted by Toiletries manufacturers found that of the 10,000 respondents for a survey, 90% of them associated White with Purity and Freshness.

Why did they thought so? we do not know. What we know is that, this survey has opened the doors for the Multi-Million dollar industry that Dentistry and Dentists have capitalized on, the Toothpaste industry.

The Harm

Inhalation of Titanium Dioxide, destroys the mucous membrane and damages the Lungs

Titanium Dioxide causes Birth defects among pregnant mothers

Titanium Dioxide causes Erectile dysfunction among men

Titanium Dioxide causes infertility among women.


This is a pesticide and has Antibacterial properties. But do you know that this is an Endocrine Disruptor.

The FDA has banned the use of this pesticides in Soaps, Shampoos but has permitted its use in Toothpaste, that would mean, our mouth is considered a sewer, a gutter, or even more worse than that, and that it ought to be cleaned with Acids and Pesticides that would cause the teeth to fall out, bodies to become wasted.  

Sodium lauryl sulfate (SLS)

This is an insecticide. Used in Detergents and floor acids. It eroded the enamel from your teeth. Destroys the mouth lining. Causes Cankers and mouth ulcers. Ever wondered, why you couldn’t hold the toothpaste foam for more than a minute? SLS is the reason. SLS also causes organ damage. Your Penis is an Organ, just in case if you are not aware of that fact.


For ages, Dentists have blown their horns to tell of the marvelous works of the Chemical Fluoride until recently, Scientific Research has nullified those claims.

Fluoride erodes the gums, causes Organ damage, tissue damage, has correlation with the onset of Type 2 diabetes, has correlation with the onset of Alzheimer’s, has correlation with Parkinson disease. Yet will all these, the Dental Health care still continues this bandwagon of popularizing fluoride use.

Other Chemicals present in your Toothpaste

There are a list of other Chemicals that are present in Toothpastes which are equally dangerous and have all potential toxic elements to render your life in misery.

  • Sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS)
  • Monododecyl ester
  • Sodium salt
  • Sulfuric acid
  • Sodium salt sulfuric acid
  • Monododecyl ester sodium salt sulfuric acid
  • Sulfuric acid monododecyl ester sodium salt
  • Aquarex methyl
  • Akyposal SDS
  • A13-00356
  • These Toothpaste ingredients can cause canker sores-lookout!


There are a lot of Alternatives available in the Market. But you ought to invest a bit of your time in seeking out the best. If you would Seek, you shall find.

The Natural Toothpaste-How to make it

Extra Virgin Coconut Oil and Baking Soda-the Toothpaste of Champions

Take spoonful of Extra-virgin Cold pressed Coconut oil, add a pinch [just a pinch, not more] of Baking soda. Mix it well and then dip your tooth brush into the mixture, now gently brush your teeth. Brush not more than 2 minutes, and then rinse your mouth thoroughly. 

Do not exceed the Brushing time since Baking soda has corrosive properties.

You can use, warm water first to rinse your mouth then follow it up with a cold splash of cold water.

Apple cider Vinegar-and distilled water

Take 3 spoonful of distilled water and add one spoon of Apple cider Vinegar. Mix the ingredients and then dip your toothpaste and then start to brush. Spend just 2 minutes on brushing then  follow it up with a good warm and cold water rinse.

Remember, of all the ailments that a man can probably suffer from, the worst of them is ED. For, ED questions the very essence of being a man.

Most men suffer from within, for the fear of humiliation is far greater than the benefits that such disclosures can bring.

Though the modern pharma world can claim to have a solution, in truth, nothing works in the long run. If you don’t believe us, you can just conduct an informal chat with those who have resorted to the Modern pharma for cure.

They will narrate the side effects they suffer along with the heavy health toll to pay.

Remember, small health changes will bring about a marked improvement in your Erection quality. There are numerous studies which will claim, that erection is not the predominant part in sex, but let us tell you the truth, it is.

Read this: Why women prefer Penile orgasm?

So, take that step, begin your road to recovery.

This is a guest post contributed by Jade Austin. Jade Austin is a sex therapist who works among couples. Jade has special interest in health and natural therapies

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