It is said a good movie will always make you hate and despise the characters that the movie depicts and more so for the message that it conveys. This is very true at least for the case of Andhadhun.
Though there are many meaning for the title, we shall settle is as “Blind Tune”, which in fact makes much sense and justice to the movie.
The Start
If a person is young and more so from a lower middle class family [ though every corner of the world touts that there is no Caste system, no hierarchy, yet you have seats in restaurants labelled as “Reserved”, travels in planes labelled as “Business class”, “Executive Class” and “First Class”. The question to ask here would be, if all are equal then why bother to tag them on class?] his or her life is never going to be easy for sure.
Everywhere he or she goes, he or she will be plagued by challenges of varied amounts all erected under the name of caste and creed. This movie is a mere result of that and probably another variation to the underlying issues which no one wants to speak or address about.
Bollywood out shines Hollywood
At the conclusion of the movie there are some critical take home points that every individual can take and apply in their personal lives.
With the large scale commercialization of the film industry, specially the Hollywood and Bollywood, literally you can number the movies that had been released during the past 10 years that had some social message for the paying public to take home.
Clearly, Bollywood would outshines Hollywood, at least in this area, with Hollywood merely spewing putrid garbage onto the public under the name of technology advancement and be anything you want concepts.
When was the last time did you see a Hollywood movie and felt like, “wow”, what a lesson to learn. Now the only lesson that one learns after watching a movie would be, “Oh! boy, I am 20 dollars poor from where I started from”

The movie revolves around a young man, who claims himself to be an artist and lives off the pittances that he makes giving Piano lessons. The sting here is that he portrays to the world that he is blind. Thus in a way life offers him fewer adversities and he rides high on the compassion wave.
Comments: no one can blame him, with fewer opportunities to growth and the majority being controlled by caste and creed system, if a person has no backing, no support or no recommendations, he or she has to fend for himself.
Which takes a turn when he meets a young lady who bumps her moped at him, takes pity on him for his blindness and offers him a ride back home. The ride takes the two together and subsequently wins him a decent job at her Bistro.
It is where the trouble starts when he meets a onetime Bollywood actor of yesterday years who has passed his prime and now spends his time watching his once lost glory on films.
Though age has taken a toll on the actor yet he puts up a show of youthful ness with his social skills, gets drawn to the young man for his playing skill and hires him to play for a private concert at his family home.
Here comes the second sting. The Bollywood actor who should be in his 60s has a wife who in her 40s. He tries all he can to keep her happy, but like most women who adorn this choice of marrying the old rich for their money and commit adultery for sex, becomes her norm too.
Like all pitiable husbands in this zone, the old actor too is not aware of his wife’s extracurricular activities. Neither does the Pianist, who walks right into the snare.
Reaching the actor’s home, the Pianist rings the bell, the wife opens the door and insists that her husband hasn’t yet returned and shuns the Pianist out.
Beauty blinds his real eyes
Without taking her “No” as his life saver, he gets carried away by her topography and insists that he is well aware that her husband is not home and it was her husband who had told this and payed him for an evening of romance filled music.
Reluctantly, she lets him in with the thought that he is blind and not knowing, like her, he too is putting up a show.
He walks in takes a seat at the grand piano and starts to play. As his shielded eyes behind the sunshades scans the house, it catches the dead actor lying in a pool of blood, murdered by his wife and her boyfriend.
From there the movie is a uphill roller-coaster that many will enjoy. At one point, the Pianist is blinded by the actor’s wife and then a series of murder attempts on his life makes him flee his home, only to be caught by the kidney racketeers.

The head of the goons is a Medical doctor who runs this operation of catching the innocents on public roads and bus stands and drugging them only to annihilate them completely by taking their kidneys to be sold for the highest bidder in the market.
The movie deserves a lot of appreciation in its attempt to bring out the truth to the public. The truth that the worst person to trust after their spouses would be the Doctors.

It is imperative to understand that an average Doctor makes around $300,000, a year if he were to practice his trade in countries like Canada and USA, but the same may not be the case, if he were to practices in India.
But that does not mean he will live on a meager sum, yet the greed, the lure for greater money, puts these doctors on an ever ending desire to make more money at the cost of the lives of their fellowmen.
There are several twists to the movie and we do not want to place a complete review of it here. You can watch it at the comfort of your homes and get the following lessons straight from the horse’s mouth with a dramatic twist.
The Director delivers
The Director has done justice to this movie by giving several twists to the movie. The music is nice and mild, the screenplay takes you back to the days of 70s. In all, appreciation to all the casts and crew and more so to the Producer for his investment on this project.
Some take home Points
Adultery is on the rise especially among the middle class society in India. There are plenty of reasons for this. One main reason would be the age difference between the man and the woman.
Of course, as a man it is indeed difficult to digest when he finds out his wife is sleeping around. Of course, anger, hate and vengeance will all be the byproducts.
The Best way to handle
The best way to handle this situation would be, if you are Rich but old and yet still you desire the company of a woman then ensure that a mutual contract is signed between the two.
After all you are the one who will be footing all her expenses during the period. Then why pay and suffer.
Get a contract done using the services of a good lawyer, after all, Judiciary services are not exclusive for women alone. In the case of infidelity, you have the right to terminate the relationship without making any compensations what so ever.
Technology offers you a great help. If you are badly in love, which is not a good idea, for you merely expose your weaknesses and this would play against you, especially when you are the mercy of your emotions, then the best way to safeguard yourself would be install Android application driven smart devices in your home.
We shall discus this in our next post. These applications will act as a second layer of protection.
Money the precious commodity
The Most precious commodity in this world is money and when you are in your 60s or 70s or even 80s, you will need their company more than the company of any women.
Of course some of the suggestions may be hard to digest, but with the complete moral depletion of the Indian society, it is imperative that you protect yourself.
Beware of Doctors
Doctors were once considered noble souls. But today, the amount of evil that Doctors do is unmentionable and unaccountable, all under the name of treatment.
The father of Modern medicine, Hypocrites, clearly advices against the commercialization of the medical fraternity, but today, the entire industry is commercialized so much so that the average man can never find a viable treatment to save his life.
When asked as to why he is unwilling to seek Medical treatment for his ailments, Einstein thus replied, “I do not think it is scientifically sensible to prolong life after the creator has bestowed his measure”
If you are sick and wanted to find solace in hospitals then make sure that you are fully aware of the doctor under whom you will seek treatment from. Why? because there is no guarantee that all your internal organs will be returned the same way you went in.
Medical colleges have mushroomed, hospitals have multiplied like mice, and now they need patients. The only way that the industry can be sustained would be that to keep the incoming patients forever there and then to evangelize for newer patients, by inventing shots and advertising that without these shots life cannot endure.
Stay Vigilant
The Element has trust has eroded completely from the society. Look at the goons who portray as innocent lottery sellers yet have the audacity to steal and kill.
The heights of dismay is that, they plot to snatch both the Pianist’s kidneys without even a sign of humanity or compassion.
So, the final take home point is, Trust is something you should think more than thrice before you venture it out.
Ban the sale of Organs
Countries like Bangladesh and India, suffer the most when it comes to Organ theft. The poor farmers are exploited in both these countries. Because there is a huge demand in the International market.
The irony is no one wants to talk about it. It is imperative to understand that if there is a demand, then black markets like the ones shown in this movie will exist.
People are not for sale, They may live in slums of Mumbai or Dakha, yet they are created BY the Almighty and no one has the right to exploit them.
Further heights of Irony is,there are agencies for Animals, for Dogs and Cows, the heights of idiosyncrasies is that, you cannot even “shoo” a dog and you have trumpet blowers who will vandalize your homes, why? oh!, because you have hurt the feelings of the dog.
We have no issues with agencies like that, “if you sleep with dogs, be prepared to wake up with mites”, a philosopher said, our concern is, let the common man and woman, also be considered on a better priority list.