Home Thai-Restaurant Review
We all know Veganism is taking over and claiming to be a Vegan is now becoming more than a fad. More so, Veganism is portrayed to be the diet of longevity and not only that, the diet claims to extend life expectancy and functionality.

Well, all of these are claims and given this day and age, anyone can claim anything and everything. As said, the proof of the pudding is in the pudding and we leave to our readers to decide.
But as for us and our followers, we shall enjoy the goodies and the delights that meat offers, without offending our neighbors.
For if my neighbors are not happy with my meat eating, then I shall ask them to move out to a neighborhood where meat is considered despicable and vegetables a worldly manna, I am going nowhere-a German centenarian who is often tormented by his vegetarian neighbors from Northern India
Well, the irony today is there are certain group of people, who are often a tiny minority, yet still, who think and act as if they are the lord and master of the majority when it comes to food choices.
The laughable aspect of the matter is that, it is your money, it is your life and yet these acclaimed minority will coming beating their drums and blowing their horns, to tell you what to eat and what not to eat. In other words, they will decide your Menu.
But we have good news to all of our readers who delight in the goodness of Meat. Yes, you guessed it right, the bounty that Thai foods offers us Meat lovers.
Today we would be reviewing on the Thai foods that HOME THAI Restaurant serves.
The Restaurant is located at the most happening spot in down town Shanghai, housed in the ambiance of K11.
Of course, we wouldn’t help but remembering Mark Weins, the world traveler, world foodie, known for his honesty and integrity and more so for his Thai food blogs.

The Lamb curry that could make you to salivate merely at its aroma. Believe us; you could smell its aromatic influence a mile away if you were in a forest.
This dish is made from coconut milk, curry spices and a juicy lamb thigh that completes the dish.
A bite at it, would bring all your youthful senses that had been latent in you or had dwindled because of time. When the curry hits you, your sinusitis will be stimulated to release all its blocks with a sneeze or two. Don’t worry, have a tissue to blow, nothing wrong, but just stand up from your seat, move to a safe place away from your neighbor’s food as well as yours, and then do the blowing.
Goodness of eating Spicy foods
We have all lost our touch with spices. The culprit is the dawning of fast foods. These fast foods are heavily laden with preservatives and more so with sugar in hidden form.
You may not know this, but that is the truth of the matter. Even though the menus have “spicy chicken”, labeled in them, there is nothing that would classify them as Naturally spicy.
The result being, our buds have lost their life and sensitivity. When was the last time you salivated? Don’t bother, you never have. The reason being, salivation only occurs if your taste buds are strong and healthy. No one talks about this, but that is the truth. A strong taste buds are well irrigated, the minute you stimulate them, they fire all cylinders. This not only enriches the food that you eat but also the over life betterment revolves around this one nature.
Of course you have never given a thought to this aspect of life, we wouldn’t blame you for that, for that is what the main stream media is throwing at you, and that you are a single dimension Evolved creature and all of the senses that you have can easily be taken over or replaced or better still can be designed into a Machine, in short, you are replaceable.
The LIE that you have believed and probably will even pass on to your next generation.
But you are more than that, more than any machine can replicate or be modeled. The proof, your Mind. Do you know, there is no acceptable definition for the Human Mind. Yet still, the main stream media blows its horns saying it has all of the answers.
The Joy of Dessert

Have you wondered, why desserts ought to be made from Sugar. The reason being, after a sumptuous meal, there is literally no room in your Stomach. To some it may cause a feeling of uneasiness and discomfort.
And, the ancients knew this experience and hence they thought something ought to be done to deal with this discomfort, and they came up with the idea of having to consume something made of Sugar.

There are two reasons for taking a Dessert rich in Sugar. The first reason being, when you consume something made of Sugar, the brain receives signals that the blood sugar levels in the body is high and that it needs to to send in the message to Pancreas to release more Insulin.
Thus when this message is received, more insulin is released which will aid in the Digestion of your food smooth and Easy.
Secondly, when you enjoy your dessert, the Brain releases another hormone known as Dopamine. This is called the feel good hormone. This hormone tells you, how sweet life is and how much you are gifted to be alive this day to enjoy it and hence be Thankful to the Creator and do good for the betterment of mankind.
Stay Hungry to Enjoy more Food
To enjoy food to the best, you ought to get hungry. However we live in a society that preaches 6 meals a day eating spree. Now tell us, how can a man or a woman who fill up themselves at regular intervals will ever feel hunger?
Remember, it is hunger that connects your body, mind and soul to food. When you are hungry, the brain release longevity hormones and the mere smell of food sends you to satiate, which would mean, renewed taste buds which in turn means renewal of life forces and more passion for foods.
Take home point: Eat only when you are Hungry