Why this Hermes Bag will make you a Star?
The Cost is too heavy to become a Star
In every person lies the hidden desire to rise above the mortals and ascend to be a star. While this aspiration to many may still be an elusive dream, a dream which would require pushes and pulls, a dream that would demand innumerable accommodating couch castings and palm greasing and not to mention the blood, the sweat and the tears that virtually go behind the scenes, all under the name of script discussions and role finalization, etcetra, etcetra. Well, we don’t want to go further there, for the waters are too shallow and murky.
Though the struggle is real, yet there are other ways to becoming a Star
But the struggle to be a star need not be that difficult and hard to conceive and comprehend if only we would look elsewhere. Too many times, “Acres of Diamonds” will be lying right where we are, yet still many will miss it, and the few who notice it, will not have the courage to venture in and claim.
This post is for all those who have the Courage, the audacity, the intelligence to go out and take possession of their lives and future.
Hermes Bags will make you that Star
The Diamond that we are talking about is produced on the farm called Hermes, and the diamond is the Victorian Era, Royal Regina.
In plain language we are talking the highest quality bag by Hermes.
Agreed that a bag is nothing more than an accessory, but it is still imperative to know that the Accessories that a person carries makes the person she is.
Don’t believe us? Then just try it out. You will have eyes glued to your hand and the fingers that hold the coveted collection.

You may not be in the likes of Sophia Lauren, but if you carry the hand bag that Sophia carries, then you become one with confidence and charm and more so the moves that flow with it.
Why would we say that? Simple. The reason being the Confidence that sparks inside. Confidence, yes that is the golden word and that one such attribute, that makes a beggar, a king.
The element that turns tables, changes fortunes, the decision maker who would decide the winner, not once, not twice, but every time there is a winner to be judged.
The power of Touch and the knowledge this Hermes bag will give you
Have you heard this phrase, “the Midas touch”. Actually this phrase came into being because of a story surrounding a man named Midas, who wanted to the richest man.
The story goes like this, there was a rich man called Midas and he always dreamt of becoming the richest man in the world. As good fortunes would have it, an Angel appears before him one night, asking him as to what he wants the most in life.
Instead of asking for more gold and silver from the Angel, Midas, said that he wanted the Angel to grant him the wish that anything and everything that he touches, should turn to Gold.
In this way, Midas thought to himself, that he would easily surpass all of the wealth of the richest man then, whoever might it be.
The wish that Midas would regret
The Angel, grants his wish and vanishes. But the lack of wisdom takes over Midas. Immediately after the Angel, leaves, Midas, sits for dinner and grabs his wine, and is alarmed to see the entire jar with its content had turned to gold.
He then shrugs past it thinking that it was only with wine and moves on to grab the bread in the basket, this too turns gold. Now more alarmed and shocked, walks hysterically towards his daughter’s room to share his predicament.
Now, upon seeing her father coming, the lovely daughter rushes to greet him with an embrace, only to be turned in to gold. Midas grieved more at his foolish wish wipes his tears only to experience his own folly sparring him not.
The world has taught you a wrong Moral
Though the worldly gurus and the philosophers may draw the inflection that it is wrong to be like Midas and that greed always leads people to ruination and so on and so forth, which of course is not the right moral that ought to drawn from this story.
For gold is important, and more so money. Though these philosophers may say that “love of money is the root of all evil”, which is not the right inference, but on the contrary, it is the “lack of money is the root of all evil”, should have been the inference.
What we wish to say is that money is not important, yet still, it is up there with Oxygen. Just imagine, how far can you go without money? How many people would you be able to help without money? The answer to both the questions would be, Not far and Nil.
The moral should be, Midas lacked wisdom to suitably place restrictive condition on his wish. Though there was nothing wrong in wishing that everything that he touched should turn to gold, but should have been wise enough to place a condition and that should have been something like this, “if only I desire it to be Gold”
Explanation: I may touch any number of things and any number of times, but if the desire is not there, that such and such things should turn to gold, or otherwise, then the things should remain as they were in original form.
In this way, Midas could not only enjoy his life but could have well become the richest man.
Why did we tell you this Story?
This bag from Hermes will bring out the Midas in you, not the one who was known for his foolishness, but the one who would use wisdom to judge and differentiate.
The Midas who would exercise caution and vigilance.
For all eyes will be on you when you sport this Hermes bag, and so be careful of what you touch. For the things that you touch, will gravitate towards you and will latch on to you.

The attentions that you garner will either benefit you or may not. So again exercise vigilance when you carry it.
Like the queen’s scepter, Hermes quality bags is not for everyone. It is only for those who desire to be a queen. For many times it is the desire that will transform your behavior ensuring that good that you seek gravitates towards you.
The Rolls Royce of Bags, Hermes
Just as the person who alights from a Rolls Royce, suddenly finds himself/herself surrounded by ardent admirers, so will the person who sports this Hermes bag.
You will keep them guessing and this would in turn increase your power. For with power, your dreams are easier accomplished. So go get it.
The Cost you ought to pay
Nothing in life is for free, at least in the world that we live in and the things that have market face value on them. So there is a cost that ought to be paid. Though the cost is on the far end, yet it is achievable and obtainable.

When you see the price don’t immediately pass statements such as “oh! They are too expensive, I just cannot afford”
The moment you pass this statement, your brain becomes a nut. And what are nuts good for, for cracking, you guessed it right. And that what happens to your brain, it gets cracked.
But on the contrary, if you were to ask, “how can I afford it?” Then a brand new version of you rises, suddenly your brain starts to think in ways you wouldn’t have imagined. And soon you will see yourself with this Bag.
A Question always opens the door to a solution, a Statement always closes the door to a solution.
Go for the Real Hermes
Of course there are plenty of fakes around, you could satiate your need by going for one. But deep down you know for sure, it is a fake, and the energies that you throw out will be spotted.
The minute they spot the imposter/fake, the world will start to treat as one. What more humiliation can it be than for one to be treated with disrespect? Can a person live without honor?
So, don’t do that. Wait and earn your Hermes bag shown here. For the joy that it creates in you will trigger a domino effect. Suddenly you will feel that the world is not at all a bad place to live, and there are plenty of opportunities waiting for you, and you too can become a Star.