Corona Virus is coming,….run to the Ark
When Noah built the Ark, there were scores of insults and ridicule, questioning his wisdom, until the rains arrived.
The age we live in is no way different from the age of Noah. Why do we say that? Just look around, everything that you saw and read during the times of Noah, is occuring today with even more greater Magnitude and Intensity. Just that they have different names attached.
Names such as, Liberty, Independence, Career, Rights, Free thinking, Tolerance, Refugees, Humanity, Animal protection, Evolution, Homosexuality, Beastality, Darwinism, etc, etc, etc, the list just goes on. But deep down, every jot beneath these ways lies the strata solely meant to question, challenge and defy the Supreme Creator.
The Irony is that all those who are responsible are turning a blind eye. Just a mere look at the picture posted below would reveal to you the intensity at which the society is headed too. Without even having the slightest remorse or concern that there are Children amidst us, posters and advertisements such as these are continuously used to bombard the young minds. All in the name of liberalism and freedom of expression.

Whilst on the other hand, a parent is not even allowed to correct their child for the folly or any wrong doing. If they attempt to do so, the cops would be knocking at their doors, and soon their liberty ends up behind prison doors.
Where are the Church Leaders and Mentors gone?
Today everything just goes, from marriages with dogs to bedding a Ape, all done under the name of Free will and Freedom. But the sorryful tale is that, no one is asking the consensus from the Dogs or even the Apes, which in fact is a classified case of Animal Cruelty, but PETA, won’t dare to open its mouth. For the fear of offending the so called popularity poll. You see, they stand for ethical treatment of Animals, and that means, even if it comes to doing despicable things against Animals, according to them, please do it Ethically. At least this is what the understanding that they act and portray to all.
But who has to be blamed?
Whenever the Society went astray, it was the Elders and the Mentors from the Church, who stepped in to correct the erring elements. But today, Fear has just gripped them all. No one dares even to raise their little finger, knowing well the society is going astray. For now, it is more of fear from the Society and fear from being estranged or even being isolated, rather from the Fear that the Bible talks about.
The House divided cannot stand,…
We have countless divisions, from Anglican to Lutherran, from Catholics to Protestants, and not one is standing out to tell the Society that it is heading the path of destruction.
Clearly, it is now more of a turf war. If one denomination comes out with a Constructive plan, the first thing that would happen to it would be a direct frontal attack launched by its own brothren. Yes, it is brethren against brethren, and the foolishness hits the zenith, when they continue their foolishness even at dire time such as these.
If you are Neither Hot nor Cold, you shall be Spewed out,。。。[it is written]
Of Course no matter what, the truth ought to be told, the Challenges today are Countless. The walls that once protected have been breached. Even Countries which were built on Christian principles have boldly proclaimed that they no longer adhere to the Christian faith.
Secularism and Paganistic thoughts are considered the Cultural exposition to living life to the fullest. Evangelism is opposed, Christians persecuted, Pastors burned, yet all of these doesn’t even seem to raise a single hair on the brows of these Leaders [at least they call themselves], Mentors or their following. It is business as usual. But where are we headed too?
And he answered and said unto them, I tell you that, if these should hold their peace, the stones would immediately cry out.
That is exactly is what that is happening today. Those responsible have opted to remain silent, all so for the fear of being stigmatized and picked on for being unfriendly and unsociable and blamed for promoting Hate and Hatred.
This reminds us to the Foolishness that Saul committed, all for the fear of his soldiers and people who were gathered around him. Even when clear instructions were set out to him to wait for Samuel’s presence for the offering, yet still for the Fear his people, Saul, went ahead, thereby starting the end for his Reign.
Ofcourse to most, this might sound something that had occured some 6000 years ago, but wait, nothing Changes. You just wait and watch.
Today, most of the Leaders|Pastors | Mentors, of power and authority have chosen to remain silent and the consequences is now taken the form of CORONA.
Remember, “You cannot please both G-d and man”
Now Enters Corona
History repeats itself. But apparently, man has been the only creature which always learns it the hard way. It is written when sin increases, Judgement befalls. It was the case during the times of Noah, during the days of Sodom and Gomorah and during Nineveh times.
At least during those days, there was Noah, Abraham, Moses, Joshua and Jonah, to lead, correct and warm the people. But today, after Billy Graham, there is a huge vaccum. There is none to be found. For fear has gripped them all.
Corona has taken the bull by its horns. It initially started as a simple flu [this is not a flu indeed but since there are no testing available they opted to call it a flu] and thought to be emnating from one small city, Hey ! you just wait, for your information, that city is not in Asia, just in case if you were letting your Imagination fly, and neither did Corona start from a bat that the snake had for its dinner and then died.
To hit the nail on the head, Corona’s journey did not start from Asia as many thought and played the blame game. According to confirmed reports from Taiwan, Corona has its origin elsewhere. We don’t want to go over that report, you can simply Google it out under the Tag, Taiwan’s Report on Corona.
But apparrently, more and more countries are now on its travel list. The unseen Angel of death is sweeping the world. Whom do we have now, who would paint our door posts with the blood of the lamb?
The Noah’s Ark encounter

Insults were heaped upon so much that when a group of Evangelist under Mr. Ham’s leadership decided to reconstruct the Ark experience. Social media shout outs from left, right and center erected ernomous herculean obstacles to hinder and shut the project down for its unrealistic ventures.
Reasons such as, from waste of time, waste of money and efforts, to damaging the feelings and sentiments of other religious groups. Even the locals were very vocal, questiong if it was really necessary to bring some story from the Bible, told ages ago, to reality.
But apparently what most don’t realize is the fact that the sun that shone during their Great Great Great Grandfather’s times, is still the same sun that is shining now and would be the sun that still would be shining even when the last generation on this planet passes away.
Meaning, the so called stories in the Bible are there to keep the wise from falling and giving the fool, an opportunity to reform and reconcile. But apparently, as the saying goes, every fool should learn the hard way, and that is by experiencing.
Amidst the ordeals, “His strength is sufficient”
Even amidst all these, when the Ark Encounter was completed, guess what the Guardian reports? Oh! the Creationists were able to beat the Noah’s ark timings comfortably.
Would you believe that? Heights of insanity coupled with foolishness all toped up with a layer of blindness. The hardest thing to digest is the fact that it emnates from so called journalists of repute, truly, Pathetic.
Yesterday it was the Floods, and today it is Corona Virus
No Guns, No Bullets, No Scuds, No Patriots, can stop it. You have just entered the age of onslaught carried out by an unseen Enemy. An Enemy who has no face or nose, no color or hair. He moves with such stealth and sleekness that even the most advanced satellite system wouldn’t be able to detect his presence.
Apparently the only remedy is to flee. But the question is, where to. As of today 20 plus Countries have confirmed cases of Corona virus onslaught and the numbers are still climbing, both in terms of Countries and infection.
It is reported that it would soon become a global problem and the only way to survive this onslaught is Isolation in a place that shields and protects. But where can one find such a place, for Virus enters even where hair cannot enter. The answer is simple, run to the Ark.
Corona Virus is heading to the Western Hemisphere, according to reports
In the Western Hemispher, the most puffed up Nation is America. It is imperative to understand that the Spanish Flu, which claimed 120 Million people, originated in Philadelphia.
Just wait! you might wonder why are we mentioning this now. Simple, because, never in history was a nation so young had become the most Powerful Nation in the History of Mankind, in such shorter time. And, Americ pulled that feat off.
Not because it had the most gifted people in the world, as many shed their two cent opinion, but because America had the support from the Most High.
Of course, given this time and age, there would be millions to ridicule the fact, but apparently it is imperative to understand that the Wind that tosses the ship is most too often never seen or even acknowledged to the cause, but who cares, the Truth is Truth.
It is also imperative to understand that things don’t just happen, in other words, without the help of the Super Natural, the feats accomplished by America would just not be possible. You don’t need to be a Rocket Scientist to see these, a mere Common Sense would do. But that is the biggest problem, for Common Sense is not all that commonly found amoung people. And, It is also another well known fact, that people generally do not use their senses.
America, the most Puffed up Nation has forgotten its Creator
There was a time when Revival meetings of Evangelist Billy Graham, featured in the Late night shows. There was prosperity and peace overflowing. But a serious of steps, from removing Prayers from schools and ripping out the Ten Commandments from state and government buildings, saw mild to no objections from those concerned .
In other words, people and the society were more than happy to have these ripped off. The Secular approach has begun to be mainstream stay. Anyone and Anybody, raising an element of guilt conscious were scorned, rebuked and humiliated, both at Schools and Universities.
Okay, alright! the Choices belongs to the people. Now, if we are to go by the wordings in the Bible, then they are too scary.
If you ever forget the LORD your God and go after other gods to worship and bow down to them, I testify against you today that you will surely perish
The Question now remains is, How will America act?
Of course we have treated the Topic on Biblical terms, we had no other choice, seeing the tenacity with which this Virus is taking its toll.
We want to live and see life, hence we adopted a more safer approach, which would be to mention what the Bible and the other Evangelists ought to say and infer on the recent happenings and place them for the General viewer to make his or her own judgements.
We make no inferences as such and hence we leave it solely to the reader.
Author: Kevin Jaikisson
About the Author: Kevin is a freelance writer. He and his Team works on Topics that are pertinent to Biblical prophesies in direct correlation to World Events.
CAMHARP, merely provides a platform for all those who are willing to get their work Published. We do not share the opinions expressed by the Author.