How Americans are preparing for the Corona Virus attack?
The Preparers were right all the time
If you were to search the word, “Preparers” with reference to USA, context, Google gives you a list of cranky meaning that is nowhere related to what these Preparers were doing for the past decade or so.
What would you expect from Google? You only get to see what they would want you to see, and at the end of the day, when they take off in their Jets, it is then the reality strikes, leaving you to join the “Left Behind” group and suffer the onslaught.
Bring the oil with you, then your Lamp would keep burning
A philosopher once said, “Every fool learns it the hard way”, these words cannot be more true today than ages ago. People simply have no clue what is happening around them. It is written, “My people perish for the lack of Knoledge”, so true.
Most times they are often involved in saving their face, and fighting Turf wars. This is even so common even in Care Groups and small Bible study groups, where the speaker never bows down or accepts the members views. Often he feels intimidated by the very fact that someone can standup to put forth their views.
There is this beautiful parable in the Bible that talks about the 10 virgins who had headed off to visit the Bridegroom. But apparently, only 5 had the senses to bring in the oil for their lamps whilst the other 5, had no clue or concern. Eventually, the unprepared 5, had to return with disappointment.
Most times when this parable is shared it is shared merely in the context of being prepared, but what most don’t understand is the fact that the Parable is there to warns us of the End times.
Well, one great thing about the Preparers was the fact that they had already known where the world is heading too. So they stocked up all of the Rations, including the much needed masks and life support plus the food to sustain them and their families, to last at least till help arrives.
You see, when you are prepared, nothing can take you down, for you are always a step ahead of those lazy folks who spend their precious time, watching Netflex Marathons and gorging themselves with Fast Foods that makes them so fat that they simply give up. Fools! Wake up.
When Noah built the Ark, all around, laughed him out, the Preparers are now facing the same fate
The times are getting harder and harder by the day. The things that you took for granted are now considered a crime. The joys that you indulged are now rationed. When the sun came out, you ventured out to bask in its glory, but now, dark clouds cover the horizon. Can’t you see?
But as the saying goes, Folly consumeth the Fool, while wisdom feedeth the wise with wine and flesh. The Preparers, just like those 5 virgins were stocking up their granary and their wine cellars while the rest of us slept our time away. When the majority enjoyed I-phone’s recent releases in their cozy couches, the wise toiled hard, to gather every bit of ration he could find.
The Day of judgement is not Far off

About roughly three decades ago, the Judgement Day, featuring Arnold, was launched. Of course it was a work of fiction, but yet still, there was a message.
A sane Lady was locked behind bars all because she knew the Truth. Today, we are entering a World which is something like the one shown in the movie.
Well, you might say, “Oh! it was just a movie”, hey! you just wait! Movies might be a work of fiction, but it is imperative to understand that the work emanates from somebody’s thought. And thoughts like that don’t often dawn out of the blue.
Just look around. Every thing is mechanized and automated. If you don’t have a Credit Card, you are done. You cannot even buy a bottle of water. Soon, there would be Robots everywhere, from Airports to Super malls, you might not believe it, that is coming. Of course, many would question this state of thought, and we have answers for you.
CORONA VIRUS- don’t even get close to a human being
And Jesus said, “Love your neighbor as thyself” but today the onslaught of Corona virus has given a new motto, “don’t get close to your neighbor, don’t even shake hands” So now you have entered a world where you would no longer be considered friendly if you were to extend a warmth filled hand shake.
The ultimate result, you are now isolated and soon without social interaction you are headed to a path of insanity.
Mr. Donald Trump, the Last President of Free America ?
Long time ago, even before Mr. Trump could be elected to the office of the President, Bible scholars had predicted the election of such a man to the highest office of the world. A man with strength of will, courage, determination and sense of direction.
They had also predicted that he would be last serving President of free America. However, most ridiculed these prophesies and hurled tons of insults at those who made an attempt to bring about an awareness to the masses on the issues that are soon to haunt them. But you see, as the saying goes, “some fools never learn”
As we begin to pen this post, around 100 Countries have had already fallen to the rage of this virus and more are expected to fall. As cases mount in America, more are pressing in the panic button. Most Americans, who had made such a huge fuss and cry on the election of Mr. Trump to the highest Office, have fewer choices left in their arsenal.
The much important question to ask, how are we to protect ourselves

There are just two ways. One, to follow the way that David, the anointed ruler of Israel followed, which would be, “It is better to trust in the Lord than in Chariots”, while the other would be to follow those countless precautions and so called prevention measures all coupled with countless hand washes with those gels.

The irony is, Scientifically, a virus cannot be washed away. Viruses exists since the dawning of time. In fact, there exists no clear way of even defining if a virus is a living matter or not.
Don’t believe us, then hear this out, there are around 300,000, types of viruses that abound this planet called Earth, and of which, a mere 2000, were identified by Scientific communities. You want to know what is even more alarming? If your immunity is weak, even a simple shower would take you down.
Article creator: Cathy Whitefield and Team
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