So you are Liberal ? Now you have no Liberty even to step out…COVID dictates
You think you live in the glorious days of Civilization and that the Modern Marvels of the 21st Century shall protect you, so you thought and started living a life, whose conduct were diametrical opposite to the Laws set by Nature.
So you thought and questioned the sanctity of Marriage, its very vows and the decorum with which it is upheld. So you slept around, left, right and center, with the things that Nature has forbidden, and if that is not enough, you started defiling man, who is created in the Image of G-d.
You started parading the streets, holding hands and kissing thine Brethren, all under the name of freedom and liberty. You defiled the beautiful symbol of peace, the Rainbow and made it an abomination and called it, LGBTOS.
You entered Schools and made it necessary for our children to study these abominations, all under the name of Liberty and the freedom to do what one desires.
You forced countries to amend their Moral laws, their stands for truth, all to deviously defile, corrupt and destroy Morality, the very essence by which life sustains.
Now it is Nature’s turn to show you who is the boss. You did everything that your heart pleaseth, but now, you have an unseen enemy, waiting at your gates, to devour you without a trace.
The saddest part is, though you blew your mouth about freedom of choice and practices, today, you are considered worst than a worm. As bodies pile up, and crematoriums overflow, the fire never seems to quench, welcome to the world of COVID19, the Virus with a Crown, with the objective to annihilate.
Sodom and Gomorrah
When the events of Sodom and Gomorrah were there right in front to serve as a directional example, as to what would befall on those who breached Nature’s Law, yet many opted to go the way that contradicts and defied Nature.
Nobody knows what tomorrow holds but what is certain is the fact that if our actions are NOT in accordance to Nature’s governing Laws, then the price is, privileges removed.

What a wonderful World,…
It is said, Rome fell because of Homosexuality. You don’t need to be a Rocket scientist to understand that. When man and woman don’t unite, there is not going to be any offshoots, which would mean the Adversary who is standing right at your gates is rejoicing. For he knows that it is only a matter of time that he would take your Land, your fields, your barley and bread, your wine and honey, All without even having to raise his sword.
Today the situation is not that much different than it once existed ages ago. The society has gone silent for the fear of criticism and being tagged as in Human and not promoters of liberal views.
Hey! just wait. Did you say inhuman? Are you really aware what is happening today. There are no options left for countries other than to lock down cities and quarantine voluminous masses.
What could be set right at the very start with stringent measures and disciplined virtues, has now become a Gargantuan monster spitting venom and devouring masses, and the only way things can be brought to control is by adopting the Iron hand.
Of course there are scores of people who got the Iron hand removed from the societal orders. Ironically it is because of these people that the world has entered the state of unpredictability
Yes, yes, there will be a lot of detrimental Reactions Online, from these so called couch warmers whose only objectivity is to stir animosity and cause hate, but who cares.
All that these trouble mongering communities can do is to air their views and nonchalant comments behind the safety of their monitors. They won’t even dare to venture out, and if they ever do, they would be mauled and hurled into concrete wards and the keys thrown out.

You are no longer free to get out, if you would, you would be locked and the keys thrown away
This is no joke, these are prevalent situation in countries which were once considered to be upholders of Liberal views and ideologies. Of course it is hard to believe whether such a situation would even happen, but you see, the world that we live in is not controlled or even run by mortals. There are greater powers beyond the comprehension of the mortal minds in play.
The saddest part is, the innocent also get caught between the chaff that is reserved for judgement by fire. It is imperative to understand that the Global fatality rate for COVID 19, is approaching 5%.

COVID 19 targets both the young and old
Of course you have heard from the main stream media and scores of half baked youtube channels, that COVID 19, targets only the old.
But it is a blatant lie. Though they claim that the reason Italy, suffered in such disastrous proportions is because of its aging population and that Italy has the second largest senior citizens in the world, all of which doesn’t hold any water.
For there is just one huge problem with all of those preposterous insinuations. And that is, Lombardy’s predicament. Lombardy which is now considered the Red zone and the epicenter, is not all that well populated by seniors. For it is considered as the most happening place and an attraction both for the young, the restless and tourists alike. Yet, it took the sword, why and what were the reasons? This is something that would require greater minds to delve in.
In other words, the rational used by these half bakers serves just one cause and that is to keep the masses carefree when it comes to taking precautions.
Most thought it to be a normal influenza, but apparently nothing can be more foolish that to assume and then proceed carefree into a field of landmines.
According to ground reports, more young people are critical. This is something that is saddening and worrisome, and thus one can see the result of listening to irresponsible newscasters and journalists who have no clue as to what is happening on ground and yet put their foot in their mouths and read the running screen before them. Shameful.

People are fighting for Toilet papers in Australia
If we told you, today people are fighting for toilet papers in Australia, would you believe that?
This has become the saddest reality. This shows how merciless life can really get when we lose our guard. When we embrace all of the abominations under the name of Fashion and trends.
Reports are emanating that people have gotten into knife fights over rolls of toilet papers. A saddest reality which shuns all element of Human decency. Imagine, someone can get stabbed for a paper which is meant to clean the most despicable waste in an acceptable manner. Some of the footage that you see on the social media brings the true reality as to, how low humans fall when crisis hits.

Photo credit-socialmedia
It is written in the Bible that the great king, Nebuchadnezzar was condemned to a life of exile and driven to extremities where he ate grass and shrubs. Of course, all would wonder would that be ever possible to occur? Specially given that he was the great king of Babylon.
Hey! you just wait. 2 months ago, the world was heading in the direction of AI and Robotics. But today, skin for a skin, a man shall give his all, has become the reality of the existing scenario.
Australia, which is a superpower, has its masses, fighting for toilet paper, how much worse can it get? Well, this is just the beginning according to many Bible theologians. But the saddest part is no one took it seriously when they were crying from their roof tops.
The fight is against an unseen Enemy
It is written, when their hearts grow cold, even a simple rustle of dead leaves at the bosom of a wind would cause the multitude to panic and flee.
This is exactly that is happening today. Fear has gripped them all. Those Media moguls who talked about Human rights, gayism, lesbianism and adultery is okay and a norm, and who were directly responsible for the moral decay of the society are now hiding under their cots.
For not much talk shows can hosted and peanuts cracked. For the enemy is unseen. Even through a key hole he enters and takes his due.
It is reported that causalities will continue to rise up until the Sun comes out and the heat beats the Virus down. Even at this desperate moment, only the Son can save us. We pray for Peace and Goodwill among Mankind.
Presenter: Sanju Armstrong and team.
Sanju Armstrong, specializes in family values and ancient culture
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