Eternal Vigilance is the key to fighting COVID 19
The whole world is fighting a common enemy, the COVID 19. But, apparently, for most countries, their level of patience seemed to be running out. As we see, several countries, loosening the lock down, and businesses opening up.
It is imperative to understand here, for most countries, the peak of the wave hasn’t yet started leave alone being reached. And it is often predicted that the wave would hit its maximum Zenith only sometime in July and August.
But apparently most of the policy makers don’t seem to take note of this. Thus, it when such actions are sporadically committed, it would only mean blowing the horns of disaster.
Thus, any sensible thinking mind would pause to ponder if the very purpose of Bureaucracy is to ensure that Trade begins and money flows. Of course, everyone would want Business as usual, but with the unseen enemy is lurking out there, can commencement of trade offer that air of protection?
Lack of knowledge often leads to disastrous consequences
Countries are still fighting to contain the COVID 19’s sting, with day in and day out, devastation augmenting. In the US alone, the total death toll has surpassed the 100,000 mark with more than 3 million being infected and there seems to be no stopping at all. Of course, most of these infections were largely due to the so called bravery act of the general masses to indulge in areas and places without practicing social distancing.
States such as California, which had once lifted lock down is now reinforcing the lock down because of the high influx in new cases.
New York, the city known for its outrageous free expletive behavior and conduct, all under the name of the American dream, heads the casualty list. In fact, the fatality toll [current fatality = 30,000 +, and still no sign of slowing] could have been much less had they implemented the Lock Down measures quiet early. But the majority wouldn’t listen and their rebellious acts of ignorance ought only to blame.

Currently, the Governor of New York, has extended the Lock Down period well into the month of June. Though to many this might be harsh, but is the best way to keep the count minimum and curb the virus. But sorrowful tale is, there is always an excuse to come out and defy these bans.
It is imperative to mention here that just over the last two weeks, around 70,000 have been tested positive for the virus. Of course the number of patients getting admitted have drastically dwindled, coming from 25,000 in the month of April to 2000 for the month of May.

Why are we talking about New York to the people of the world.
A Philosopher once said, there are two ways to learn. One through the experience of others and the second, through experiencing oneself. The first way is the most intelligent way, while the second often can have a heavy price to pay.
Thus, the hope is, at least the various Ministries of the world learn from the disastrous state that New York is now today and reform, refine and transform its foolishness into acts of sense and sensibility. To briefly say would be not to REOPEN schools or Conduct the Public Exams.
Understanding COVID 19

The purpose of this post, is to bring an Air of Understanding on COVID 19, to all of the decision makers stationed at various levels of the Bureaucratic order distributed around the world.
Foremost, it is imperative to understand that COVID 19 virus, is a real threat and has the potential to bring anybody and everybody to their knees and worse still, gain momentum after every slaughter.
COVID 19 is not the FLU Influenza
We wouldn’t blame anyone for their lack in understanding this difference. For even Health workers are caught in between the air of ambiguity with no one not knowing what to call or define the disease caused by COVID 19.
For the sole reason that COVID 19 virus causes Pneumonia like condition, thus leading to the majority of Health workers classifying it under the Flu Virus strain. This decision not only caused a steep increase in the number of fatalities but also has caused the situation go to uncontrollable limits.
Whats my name-asks COVID 19
But do you know, most of the so called doctors putting out their thoughts via videos on the social media are not even aware of the name of the disease the virus causes.
They simply go about talking about the virus as if it had been reared in their backyard merely saying that Pneumonia being the end result and there is nothing terrible to worry about.
Several of these Social Media videos did and are still doing more damage to the Patients by promulgating ill informed advice and false assurances and but for these social media videos, most would have been sitting down alive had only they had refrained from their clicks.
Know the Truth
The Truth is, Pneumonia like condition results during the COVID 19 virus disease. But it does not mean any and every disease that brings forth Pneumonia should be treated on par with the FLU virus. This error in identifying had in turn resulted in administering wrong treatment which subsequently resulted in higher fatalities.
Of course, we all know any respiratory tract associated disease does cause Pneumonia at the aggravated stage but in the case of COVID 19, Pneumonia is just the tell tell sign of tougher times the patient is headed to. Thus it is totally incorrect to say that Pneumonia is the disease caused by COVID 19.
In other words, the disease caused by COVID 19, is called, COVID 19 Virus Disease. Yes, it is easy as that, but most too often it is the easiest things that people miss and often end up treating the wrong disease with the wrong treatment leading to pandemonium of woes and troubles.
To reinforce what we are talking about we quote that famous proverbial story : In want of the Nail, the Shoe was lost, in want of the Shoe, the Horse was lost, in want of the Horse, the Rider was lost and in want of a Rider, the Battle was lost. Apparently, history seems to repeat itself, on and on and on, yet the ability to identify and plug the gap, never occurs to the mortal minds.
Difference between the COVID 19 and the FLU Influenza virus
The Influenza virus starts in the Throat, and then gradually moves down to attack the Lungs. The virus spreads through human contact, specially through close contact like touching, hugging, kissing, and any other medium which solicits Spittle/ Phlegm exchange.
Flu influenza has a fatality rate of killing 7000 people for every 100,000. One main reason for such fatality rates is due to the fact that every year, the virus comes in various forms. Thus making it difficult to treat. Children are often considered to be most susceptible groups for the FLU Influenza virus attack.
On the contrary the COVID 19 virus starts with the Lungs and ends with the Lungs. That makes it even worse to treat. The virus also spreads through human contact, but the frightening feature of this virus is the fact that it remains alive and active on surfaces that were touched by the infected carrier. More so, there is no available data for COVID 19’s fatality rate. The disease attacks the elderly first and then gravitates to the young, probably being passed on through the elderly.
Three Stages of COVID 19 Virus Disease
Now let us talk about the COVID 19 virus disease. There are 3 categories of the disease, Mildly moderate, Severe and Critical.
Now, Mildly moderate does not mean the symptoms would be mild and moderate. The only thing that is mild here is that the patient wouldn’t be needing Oxygen support and that it would take anywhere from 6 days to 14 days for feeling the complete tenacity of the disease.
How it all Starts ?
It usually starts off with a mild dry cough. Most would shrug it off as sore throat. But with the passing of each day, the tenacity of the cough will increase. So much so that it become almost unbearable even to speak a strand with interruption.
Then breathing difficulty starts to erupt, accompanied by fever, sore throat, loss of appetite, loss of taste, loss of smell, abdominal pain, chest pain, Body ache, muscle pain, enormous Phlegm production, Fatigue, Sore throat and gastrointestinal issues.
Body temperature rises
The temperature will hover around 37.3 – 37.7 (99.8 – 101). The fever will last for about 3 continuous days with continuous dry coughs and painful mouth sores.
Acetaminophen (Paracetamol), might help to alleviate the fever temporarily but the symptoms will endure. At the onset of third day, an upset stomach will lead to sporadic diarrhea, that will last for 1 – 2 days. Around day 5, mild myalgia [muscle ache] would develop. This would augment to severity, interfering with sleep.
By day 7, there would a pressure buildup in the chest, causing pain around the chest area with breathing trouble.
By day 8, hunger will cease, the person wouldn’t be able to sleep.
By day 9, breathing would become an ordeal. By day 10, the person would realize that Hospitalization would be the only remedy to save life. A ventilator support would be administered upon arrival. If the doctors identify the symptoms promptly then appropriate drugs would be administered to relieve the lungs discomfort.
But in most cases, Doctors would insist on a blood work before zeroing in with the diagnosis and starting necessary treatment. That is when precious time would be lost putting the patient at an even greater risk of slipping away.
For the mere reason that the lungs are being subjected to severe strain, just liken to a scenario that a person is held underwater. Now the average time that someone could hold his or her breadth would be around a minute, then imagine the same simulation on someone who is being subjected to the same torture multiple times. How long do you think that he or she would be able to sustain life?
After day 10, all of these symptoms will gravitate towards severe pneumonia with acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS). Which subsequently will lead to rapid organ deterioration.
COVID 19 is not the Flu Influenza but apparently still today at the writing of this post, there aren’t any standardized set treatment procedures available.
COVID 19, starts with the Lungs and ends with the Lungs
COVID 19, starts with the lungs and ends with the lungs. What makes the disease so severe is the fact that it attacks Cilia, the hair like projection that covers the Bronchus in the lungs, and that are responsible in moving up the microbes, mucus and the debris and out of the airways.
Now when Cilia is attacked, they scum and die adding to the debris. Now just imagine, when the whole purpose of the strainer is to prevent clogging and allow water to flow freely, and when the strainer itself breaks, disintegrates, and clogs the drain, then how will the water flow?
The same happens with dead Cilia clogging up the lungs and the trachea, and thus reducing the capacity of the lungs to operate efficiently, hindering the body’s ability to keep debris, mucus and other foreign bodies out. This leads to inflammation which causes damage and these damages causes further more inflammation leading to more damage, thus creating an unending cycle until the body breaks down completely.
Why Ventilators are killing more people ?

When the patient complains severity in breathing, most doctors without even a second thought, put the patient on a Ventilator. This is the number one cause for most fatalities to occur, according to a recent research by social concern watch tower.
Apparently what the Ventilators does is to completely shut down the lungs functionalities and setting in motion artificial breathing. This is similar to chopping off a man’s legs and replacing them with prosthetic, then telling him to run the 100 meters, along side Mr. Bolt..
When the lungs begin to slumber off, signals are sent to the Brain telling it that, there wouldn’t be a need to keep the heart pumping, thus resulting in a Cardiac Arrest.
It is imperative to understand that the most important part in the human body is not the Heart as many would have promulgated this lie, but it is the lungs.
The Only way to walk out Alive from COVID 19, is to Start walking
Imagine you had take 5 pints of Beer on a Friday night, and the very next day you aren’t feeling fine. You feel your head is heavy and that you are sick all over. For the Beer and those extra shots of Vodka have ensured that you had the best chilling night’s experience. Of course, like all things a price is associated.
The price is, “Hang Over”, literally it means to get Hanged. But if you were to simply sit on your couch and complain, you would only feel more sick for the entire day and the day after.
For the simply fact that Alcohol stays in the blood long after its ability to entertain drains off but not its ability to cause sick feeling. Of course, there are countless remedies to quicken the Hang Over, but the most reliable one would be to take the morning Walk.
Just ensure that it is briskly done and that it is done for at least an hour. With the sun hitting your face and the sweat steaming out, you would feel all fine at the end of the walk. Now why are we telling you all this. Just for the simple fact that the Physical Activities have an enormous effect on how well the Body feels.
In other words, the best way out of COVID 19’s sting would be to do those Power Walks. Now if you could increase the momentum of your walk to run, it would be even better. Yes, we know for sure that it is not going to be easy, but again, it is your life, so get it done.
The Desire to Heal should be greater than the desire to lay down and die
But remember this, the greater the desire to Heal yourself, faster the results will follow. Well we all know this is not going to be easy, for with the lungs being under attack, breathing being challenged, and with most of the doctors and health workers around having a different opinion to handling this death sting, yet still, don’t you give up, don’t you give in, keep the fight on. As one great philosopher once said, “the only way out of this is through it”
What to do Next?
The most important knowledge that one ought to pursue is the knowledge of the Human Anatomy. Of course, what we all studied in our Biology classes wouldn’t be sufficient to Cure or to Heal us. We all would need a silver lining. Now we would give you that Silver lining.
After your Walk you would feel a cart load of discomfort. Since the Lungs is already under attack from the Virus and on top of that you are being asked to do the unthinkable.
But don’t you worry. As said, there are many ways to handle a situation, most would often go about a complex way to get things done, but unfortunately, they wouldn’t even pause to think about the shorter and much simpler way to a situation.
The Cough is the Cure
That being said, in this case, the secret remedy to the Struggle is, “COUGHING”, yes, it sounds disgusting and many would even loathe the idea, but guess what, Coughing is the mechanism by which the Lungs gets rid of all debris, foreign matter and the Phlegm.
So Cough it out. Of course it would be a struggle, but remember, this is a fight that you are fighting and only you could win it. If you give up, most times you would end up on the hospital bed at the mercy of those who themselves have challenges beyond the capacity of the tolerance limit.
Best Practices to Coughing | Sneezing

Be it Coughing, Sneezing or even Yawning, ensure that your mouth is covered by your Elbow. This is the best practice that would ensure that those around you are safe from contracting the Virus. Of course there are many who wouldn’t follow such precautions and prevention methods, and account for large fatalities. But as said, it is better that you suffer, endure and overcome than see your loved ones having to go through this treacherous pain.
To be Continued,…
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