How Evil Japan is
How Evil Japan is ? For sure, this would not be a hard question to answer for those of you who had studied Japan’s past. And, if you had thought that the behavior of the Japanese general in the movie “Building the Bridge over the river Kwai” was ruthlessly beyond describable, then we would only say, “you just wait, the worse is yet to come”.
It is imperative to understand that directors of yesteryears don’t just make movies, especially those of the classic kind. A lot of research and study go into their making and in all honesty, the director’s portrayal of the Japanese mindset in the blockbuster movie was actual reality.
And if you had any second thought, just go back to Japan’s history and do some research, you will learn the tyrannical DNA latent in every historically documented atrocities perpetrated by Japan, and that Pear Harbor’s attack is a mere drop in the pacific.

Its a mistake to think Japan has reformed
Just when we had thought that Japan had reformed and deviated from its past tyrannical nature and vices, comes a shocking revelation of Japan’s government to dump its Nuclear wastes into the Pacific.
Japan, the Narcissist
The science of psychology defines Narcissist to be people who care nothing about the welfare of others but theirs and theirs alone. In fact, the study of psychology clearly warns against associating with people who are classified as Narcissist. For the simple fact that they go to any extent to achieve their goals and ambitions even if it were at the expense of others.
Do you know that this definition of Narcissist exactly portrays Japan. In expansivity, this is exactly the manner in which Japan’s behavior over the past by gone months has been.
Oh! you might question us, how could this be true? Japan, the people with sweet smiling faces, the people who gave Sushi and Samurai to the world would ever have the heart to do evil? Well, a piece of advice, don’t be fooled by their ever smiling faces and their low priced cars.
Japan is the reincarnation of evil and if there be a better word to describe, then that description would even fall short of what Japan has now devised to do to the world.

When the whole world opposed whale hunting, Japan, withdrew from the IWC (International Whaling Commission) the body that prohibits whale hunting and went ahead following its quota system for Whale hunting. But the main stream media simply stood and watched with a broad smile even when mass butchering of pregnant Whales continued.

For none had the spine even to intervene and stop. But if the same would have been carried out by some other country elsewhere, then there would have been a mayhem created by these main stream media hooligans, hauling the poor country up and crucifying it via their Kangaroo court.
Japan’s intent to cause Evil on its neighbors
Now the audacity of Japan to commit evil and wreck havoc on to neighboring countries and region has augmented multiple times. They are now into even more despicable things that are beyond the comprehension of layman and yet all that the world could do now is just smile and walk.

It is said that the human body is so intelligent that even before any disease strikes and takes over, the body gives out warning signs. Warning signs if identified and treated could well avert and avoid major damages to the body.
More so when the right medicines are administered in a timely manner could well aid and hasten the recovery process. But all that being said the utmost important part here is the identification of the signs and symptoms even before the disease could set in.
However, it is important to note that once the malady sets in, no amount of care and medication would do any good. To understand this, one needn’t have to study a medical degree, for this is basic common sense.
Why use the disease-body as an example?
Now, you might ask us as to why we are mentioning this? Well, we are trying to bring about an awareness as per to the actions that Japan has intended to carry out and the devastation that these actions would cause on neighboring nations.
Just liken to the case of the human body when symptoms and signs go unnoticed and uncared, the body gets hit and suffers the consequences of lackadaisical approach so to this behavior when extended to a larger sphere is bound to have the same catastrophic ill effect. But in this case the body here is the world and the people living in it while the scot-free malady here is, Japan and its intent.
Why are the Main stream medias keeping quiet?
Japan’s government has approved plans to release more than 1 million tons of radioactive water from the destroyed Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant into the ocean.
Yes, you heard it right. When the world has been dealing with the Corona virus pandemic, Japan’s government has used every opportunity to scheme this dirty despicable evil act against Nature and humanity.
And what is terrible is the fact that none of the main stream media wants to even make mention of this precarious situation that the world is heading to and Japan’s hatred for its neighbors.
In brevity they have all sold their spines to enjoy their Toyota rides and free bowl of Ramen noodles with Saki. Meaning, if these Media houses were to spill even a bean of dirty truth pertaining to Japan’s action then they would have to forfeit all of these bestowed privileges emanating from Japan.
Everybody knows how these main stream medias strategically only voice their voices if it would benefit them. So the next time if you were to ever switch your TV on for NEWS, then understand this that you are merely watching a well scripted SITCOM and nothing that you see or hear from them is even remotely factual to the actuality that is going on.
BBC-where are you?
When India’s productivity rose by 1.1%, BBC was quick to portray the slums in Mumbai and how the masses live in dire situations that are inhuman to see. It was then followed by the famous British director, Danny Boyle’s Slum dog Millionaire, a movie specifically meant to degrade and tarnish India’s image internationally. Why? Because India’s GDP rose without obtaining consensus from BBC.
Slum dog Millionaire
Danny Boyle was hailed for his work with adorations such as, bold visual imagery and a story so uniquely made, a versatile masterpiece with exuberant energy. There is a proverbial saying which goes like this, “if you don’t have anything good to say, then better not say anything”.
But apparently when it comes to the BBC, they act and conduct as if they had never heard a proverb as the one mentioned above. The underlying point here is, when backward nations of the world are trying their little bit to raise the living standards of its masses, then suddenly from no where media giants to the likes of BBC run stories and editorial columns maligning every effort of these nations up until these nations give up surrender to their mediocre living.
BBC is good in poking the weak
Well for information this is not a one of case. When an Indian girl who became the first Indian to be elected as president of Oxford student union in 2021, and then later on was forced to resign the post because of bullying, BBC, never even said a word nor condemned the perpetrators for their evil. Meaning, the voice would only be raised when BBC feels its serves its interests.
BBC scandalizing Nigeria’s National University
When a group of trouble makers claimed to be as students in Nigeria’s National university, opposed to following the respective curriculum for their courses and wanted grades without completing their course works. The act raised wide spread opposition from both the faculty as well as the course lecturers.
The Dean of the faculty initiates disciplinary action against the erring students who plot and devise ways to tarnish the reputation of the Dean and the faculty members.
They didn’t have to look further for help. The ever present BBC was readily available and a story was scripted to get at the innocents. BBC takes a well staged documentary with staged actors and with their faces covered under the pretext that they don’t want to be identified (what a joke?) for fear of being victimized (could you believe this?).
The Documentary goes viral because of the spice and spiteful narrative abilities of BBC. Consequence: The concerned persons lose their reputation and suffer nervous breakdown.
TEPCO cannot be trusted
The rational given for justifying this catastrophe by TEPCO is Nature. Now the much important question to ask here is this, Japan has been known to experience earthquakes and Tsunamis since it came into existence. Of course you also need to know that proponents of Japanese existence theories dating back to 35,000 years are good stories to read. Meaning, stories. In the interest of time and resource we shall leave that discussion on Japan’s existence theory for a later post.
The point that we are trying to make here is this, if you know that the land on which you are building the nuclear reactor is bound to quake and given in, then why on earth did you build a Nuclear powerplant?
The answer is simple, TEPCO’s (Tokyo Electric Power Company Holdings) greed is limitless. According to world benchmarking, TEPCO has done little to nothing with regard to neutralizing the damage caused and it has a score of 6 on a scale of 20, and fleeces 30billion dollars in yearly revenue please read this link here
Lies floated by TEPCO
In 2013, TEPCO withheld the fact that tainted water was leaking into the ocean. Would you believe that? What can you call this but man slaughter on TEPCO’s part.
Now hear this joke, when TEPCO was questioned as to why they concealed and lied, the response that TEPCO gave was, “they didn’t want the public to worry until they were certain”, are you kidding the public?
It is imperative to note that the water contained more than 60 different types of radioactive materials and that Advanced Liquid Processing System (ALPS) doesn’t completely remove these toxins and here TEPCO is saying that it is not certain whether a problem exists or not. This is what is called “Dekh Bhai Dekh Bhai” (see bro see)
How TEPCO has fooled the world for 10 years
For all these years (10 years to be specific), TEPCO has been fooling the world telling that it has the situation under control with the assistance from its own experts and those experts that were brought in from elsewhere. But the story was something different and far from truth claimed.
For in 2018, TEPCO suddenly released a statement admitting that it had not filtered all of dangerous materials out of the water. This means that the Nuclear waste water is harmfully potent as suspected and TEPCO has been lying with deceit right from the start.
This what alarms the Environmentalist and Greenpeace movement groups. How could an organization such as TEPCO which has been caught lying right from start be trusted with the health of millions?
Now this causes any sane person to question, “how much more crooked can TEPCO get, and how many such lies have they spoken to cover their incompetency and wickedness?”
How foolish can these Experts be?

These are exactly the words coming out from someone who is appointed to serve the general public interests. Do you see this? This is how they justify evil by showing precedence.
Well, if you are going to be justifying this evil then give us some reference and citation as to who perpetrated this and under whose regime. Then the general public would know how many such Hitlers and mass murderers are lying latent cloaked in sheep’s clothing.

These are the exact words coming from, Professor Hiroshi Tauchi from the Ibaraki University Graduate School of Science and Engineering. Prof. Hiroshi was a member of the government’s expert panel that investigated the water release.
Now the much important question to ask here is this, when you (Professor Hiroshi Tauchi) cannot give a guarantee to the safety of millions, then what are on earth is the professor talking about? “decommissioning problem should not be passed on to future generations, with the risk of leakage from tanks”(Hiroshi Tauchi) .
James Conca should stop his pseudo-science writings and claims.
We are not sure if you have known him, he claims to write about nuclear and energy and yet carries a IQ of a cognitively challenged human. Now you might wonder why would we say such a thing.
For the simple reason when Greenpeace raised concerns of human safety and voiced its protest against Japan’s intention to dump its Nuclear Waste water into the Pacific Ocean, James Conca, instead of addressing the concern, puts his foot in his mouth and goes out on a frontal attack humiliating the Greenpeace movement with his idiosyncrasies theories and questioning their domain knowledge on radiation and chemistry of Tritium.
Mr. James Conca, to know about the severity of Japan’s action and the devastation that Radiation and Nuclear wastes can cause one needn’t ought to pursue a 5 year masters course and publish a dissertation. Even a little child would tell you, what happened when America dropped the Atom bomb on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, and what has become of the once flourishing Chernobyl.
Of course James Conca argues in favor of Japan for the simple fact his interest lies in speaking for Japan irrespective of the damages it could cause to South Korean and other Asian countries.
James Conca’s idiotic claims
For example, James compares the radiation from one quart of the Nuclear Waste water to 4 bananas or to a family sized potato bag of chips. But the problem is, comparison doesn’t make them equal. Neither does the comparison take into account as to how these radiations originate.
James’s comparison resonates to the act of comparing feces that was produced after eating a bucket of KFC, and then using chemistry to justify, both (KFC and feces) contains the same level of nutrients so both are same.
James Conca’s comparison is flawed, equally so his writing
He doesn’t stop with that, he then plays the number game (you see, the best way to deceive people is to use some statistics), he says that, “A ton of this water gives a dose of approximately 4 mSv, about the average annual background dose received by everyone in America”
Now, there are few problems with this sort comparison. Foremost, where did he(James Conca) get this number from? If his answer was that they were measured by Experts, then the next question would be, who were the Experts?
Then if James is going to be naming people in the league who share the same ideologies and knowledge like he does, then without an air of doubt these results are totally flawed too, for the simple reason, “Birds of feather utter the same lie over and over and over”
Finally, James Conca, resorts to ambiguity to mean a point. By using the term, “Background dose” in his claim causes any sane sensible person to question as to what background dose is he referring to ?
Read this Forbes article by James Conca here
Japan wants to destroy South Korea and other surrounding Asian countries of the Pacific ocean
The writing is clearly on the wall. And everybody can see this. Japan has made a pact with the devil and its intent is to kill nations. It is imperative to understand that by hiring cheapskates experts and providing a rational for getting the Nuclear Waste water released into the Pacific ocean is no act of acceptable order neither is this act condonable.
These cheapskates experts have been blowing their horn about the nuclear radiation from the waste water being safe to humans, which of course everybody knows is an outright attack on humanity. But what is even more alarming is the fact that none of these so called experts have addressed the dangers that would occur on Marine life.

It is not the Atlantic ocean but the Pacific Ocean that is filled with Marine life. It is estimated that 80% of exquisite specifies of Marine life is found only in the Pacific Ocean and Japan and its evil allies want to get rid of this treasure.
No one nation or a group or for that matter, nobody, can venture out to destroy the world’s environment for meeting their evil ends. For the world is one and every thing born here has been awarded the grace and mercy to live here in harmony. So having said that, every individual is a state holder here and has the responsibility to protect the world. For the simple reason that once this is lost it is lost for ever. Of course they always say that Mars is habitable and is ready, and to them we would say, “Please hurry and vacate”
Take the case of the beautiful Aral sea. This sea is gone because of human greed. So supporting the Greenpeace actions against Japan’s intention to release the Fukushima Nuclear Waste Water into the Pacific Ocean is a worthy cause that would save Humanity. For this would not only help save precious Marine life but the lives of countless innocents living in those neighboring countries.